ISIS Keeps Price List for Selling Sex Slaves As Young as 1 ‘In the Name of Allah’ – IOTW Report

ISIS Keeps Price List for Selling Sex Slaves As Young as 1 ‘In the Name of Allah’

Breitbart: The savage jihadi group Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) maintains a detailed store-like price list for selling Christian and Yazidi girls, including 1 year olds, as sex slaves “in the name of Allah” to Turkish, Syrians, and Gulf Arabs, according to a document submitted to the U.S. State Department as evidence of the brutal practice.

Customers are prohibited from buying more than three victims, according to a translation of the document, which reveals that the price list is titled, “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Subject/Prices of Selling Spoils of War.”

United Nations officials have authenticated the sheet, which was exposed as part of a 278-page investigative report submitted to State earlier this year by the Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization, and the nonprofit In Defense of Christians.

The document and recent assessments by State suggest that sex slavery perpetrated by ISIS may be spreading to areas outside Iraq and Syria where the terrorist group is also operating.  MORE

20 Comments on ISIS Keeps Price List for Selling Sex Slaves As Young as 1 ‘In the Name of Allah’

  1. child suicide bomber just killed many at a wedding in turkey

    the more i see this, the stronger my don’t-give-a-shit increases

    you people buy into this culture, go ahead and kill yourselves, just keep your filthy, violent, perverted culture far away from the land o’ the free

  2. I’ve got my own price list:

    $100 for a ISIS jihadist with a claymore strapped to his chest
    $75 for an ISIS jihadist with active grenade nipple piercings
    $50 for an ISIS jihadist with a bullseye on his forehead at a Texas gun range
    An ISIS jihadist’s head on a pike FREE with any of the above offers!!!!

  3. @greetingsfmynkrs Price depends, does it cook? Wash cars? Lawn care? Fix roofs? Anything? If it’s just going to hang around and tell me to do that stuff, no thanks. I already have that model.

  4. And Mr. Trump should ask HRC her opinion on this at the first “debate” between them. Heaven knows the “moderators” won’t.

    Are the prices too high?
    Too low?
    Just about right?
    How much additional is S&H?
    What about sales taxes?

    izlamo delenda est …


  5. LOL, Rat and Gojira.

    It cooks (gourmet-level; Hungarian, German, and Irish cuisines a specialty). It cleans. It does laundry. Lately needs a ride to shop and run errands. It provides good company and snarky insights on people who deserve it, e.g. libs and dindoo nuffins. It pays bills. It does taxes. It types 70 w.p.m. It handles administrative work very, very well.

    Sorry, not handy AT ALL. And can’t do gardening because of multiple outdoor allergies. But favors hiring people for these chores.

  6. @Bad Brad, it is a translation from the original in the Arabitch language. If you click on “278-page report”, it is there on page 201 with the ISIS logo at the top of the page.

  7. @gfy Lessee, per the chart, the price drops about 20 bucks per category which puts it in the $20 range. It looks pretty high maintenance. I have that model, too. I’ll pass. I have a friend, though looking for a lawn slave, but this model doesn’t do lawn and he has little time for educational beatings. Sorry, we’ll go check out the offerings at the al-Nusra shop at the bazaar.

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