ISIS Serves Starving Mother a Savory Meal, and then… – IOTW Report

ISIS Serves Starving Mother a Savory Meal, and then…

Since the non-Muslim minorities are left defenseless against the growing terrorist group, the most unspeakable atrocities are not exclusively affecting the Christians and Yazidis, but their children as well.

The story of a young Yazidi woman is making its rounds on the internet, not because she was kidnapped by jihadists, but because of the sickening dish of gruesome generosity they served their starving captive.

A Yazidi escapee pleaded with Vian Dakhil, a member of Iraqi Parliament, to share their account of a young mother who had endured the most nightmarish abuse conceivable.

Dakhil told Politico that ISIS fighters had starved a woman for several days before inviting her to a lavish meal of rice and meat.   MORE

17 Comments on ISIS Serves Starving Mother a Savory Meal, and then…

  1. ISIS is certainly capable of great cruelty and their strict adherence to Sharia (including their own interpretation of it) has meant the death thousands but stories like this one sound more like horror stories told around the campfires then the truth. ISIS is unlikely to go to all this trouble to get a few cruel laughs. They’d just shoot her instead. I’m not saying this didn’t occur but if you wanted to discredit ISIS stories of mass executions or pes then start sprinkling these types of stories in there as well. Take them with a bag of salt and look for real proof not just that it sound like another story where a grandmother had the same thing happen to her.

  2. is there any question who is the true messiah and who is a product of satan

    christ is who he said he was, reject him at your peril

    these animals are inside our open progressive borders folks

  3. See, it’s a question of jobs.

    If they had jobs, they wouldn’t be doing this kind of thing:
    They’d all hold hands with the Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Sunnis and sing “Kumbaya!”

    Good jobs … that pay $15 an hour …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Always remember that what ISIS does is consistent with Islamic teaching per their leadership. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has a BA, MA, and PhD in Islamic studies. He’s more of an authority by any standard than Hussein Obama, John F “JFK” Kerry (who served in Vietnam, BTW), or Crooked Hillary.

    The Islamic holy texts say what they say. Not everyone reads them the same way, or is honest about how they read them, but the ISIS understanding is pretty straightforward and represents that of a significant minority of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.

    What would Mohammed do? Stuff like this.

  5. @Tony; I have read the tales of Japanese cruelty to POW’s as well as their experiments in bio torture at their Manchuria facility. While the Japanese did incredibly sadistic things they never expected the information to get out. In fact it was decades before the story of Unit 731 came out. ISIS has no expectation of secrecy and if they did this (and I’m not saying they didn’t) then they knew it was going to get out and something this horrific has no upside for them in either cowing the civilians they currently occupy or in putting a fear into their opponents that would stop them resisting. If anything, this would make them fight harder.

    @Wyatt; Yep,they have beheaded journalists and others on video, killed innocent civilians and burned a pilot alive in a cage and videoed it as well. None of which rise to the horror that is being depicted in the story. Those three items would actually go farther in making their opponents hesitate about fighting them while, as I said, the story would make them fight all the harder to destroy this abomination.

    As I said in my earlier comment I’m not for a moment saying that they didn’t do this I’m just saying be careful when you see stories this horrific. Look for some sort of decent (or even somewhat decent) corroboration to confirm it. If you don’t and enough of these appear you may well begin to doubt them and then doubt some of the other atrocities that don’t have the benefit of video.

  6. @SCR: I actually agree with your point, but ISIS has undertaken so many abhorrent acts that what was claimed in this story does not seem particularly out of bounds for them.

    Further, this supposedly happened to a Yazidi woman, and ISIS has been deemed guilty of genocide and other crimes against the Yazidi. The Yazidi are neither Muslim nor “People of the Book,” and under ISIS/Islamic rules, they must either convert or be killed. So while the story may be horrific, in this context it is also believable.

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