ISIS Supporter Threatened To Behead Obama – IOTW Report

ISIS Supporter Threatened To Behead Obama

alil Ibn Ameer Aziz

A Pennsylvania teenager who had more than 50 pro-ISIS Twitter accounts and threatened to behead US President Barack Obama inside the White House has been arrested by the FBI.

23 Comments on ISIS Supporter Threatened To Behead Obama

  1. Threatening to kill someone isn’t much of a crime – they should have waited until he carried through with the act. Then they would’ve have some serious charges to hit him with.

    P.S. – His name is Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz, but I read that he was arrested while using an alias: Leroy Harvey Azwald.


  2. Were his Constitutional Rights violated? if so, Holderina Lynch
    will give him a pass.

    Yes, I’m being a smartass. I’m fed up to my eyeballs with this bullshit. Send the mouzzi,midget motherfutter to GITMO for life.
    There are far too many of these scumbags running freely around the country unchecked. and protected by the likes of the libtard mayor of Harrisburg.

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