ISIS Wives Divorcing Jihadis in Droves – IOTW Report

ISIS Wives Divorcing Jihadis in Droves

Geller Report: Here’s a shocker: ISIS wives, it seems, aren’t happy withh their jihadi husbands and have been divorcing them in droves and fleeing back to their home countries.

Imagine that — the world’s most misogynistic and violent religion can’t keep the women happy? more here

17 Comments on ISIS Wives Divorcing Jihadis in Droves

  1. How disappointed are American feminists when they learn that Arabic women are free to divorce and are allowed to exercise personal agency? Ruins one of their favorite faux narratives.

  2. Swap out those smoky Arabic babes for fat Anglos who are more than happy to ‘convert to Islam’ which really means they want to wear those cool headscarves. They’ll adopt an entire belief system for a fashion statement. Plus those hijabs hide their triple chins and pie faces. Just those pretty Anglo eyes on display and none of the surrounding lard. Let’s trade!

  3. Surrrrre, now that ISIS is losing they want out. These blood thirsty women had smiles of happiness under their Burkas until the Caliphate went south on the battlefield. No more beheadings, amputations, burnings, lapidation, whipping or tossing homos off the top of building. All the marital bliss and entertainment is gone.

  4. No free daycare? The cops won’t drag you off just because I say “I’m askeert”? The Holy Mother State won’t give me half “our” stuff because “I’m not happy”? Screw this! Akbar, I’m going back to fight the patriarchy!

  5. I’m betting if their wives leave their sex activity doesn’t change much. If at all. The children can go with them. Just leave the goats, sheep & camels. No problemo.


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