Islam attacks its own in an Egyptian mosque, kills 235 – IOTW Report

Islam attacks its own in an Egyptian mosque, kills 235

Conservative Treehouse:

Against the backdrop of the first border opening between Egypt’s northern Sinai and Gaza; and against the ongoing efforts by the al-Sisi led coalition to move toward peace between Arabs and Israelis; the extremists strike back today with a horrific terrorist attack against the Al Rawdah mosque in Bir al-Abed, west of El Arish, the main city in North Sinai.

(Reuters) CAIRO – Militants killed more than 230 people at a mosque in North Sinai on Friday, detonating a bomb and gunning down worshippers in the deadliest such attack of Egypt’s modern history, state media and witnesses said.

Worshippers were finishing Friday prayers at the mosque when a bomb exploded, witnesses said. Around 40 gunmen set up positions outside the mosque with jeeps and opened fire from different directions as people tried to escape.


SNIP: Islamic Extremists? They’re reading from the same book, no?

13 Comments on Islam attacks its own in an Egyptian mosque, kills 235

  1. Nobody will care one crap until some white guy and his friends do this in Deerborne or Minnesota to Musloids.

    But then it’ll be to demonize an AR-15, because guns are bad and white people suck regardless because we’re all racist.

  2. I’m sure they planned out this attack months ago. Probably to make it look like foreigners did it. But the authorities didn’t do anything because if you only plan to murder people, and don’t actually do it, it’s not a crime.


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