“Islam CANNOT Be Criticized!” Tucker Carlson RIPS Southern Poverty Law Center – IOTW Report

“Islam CANNOT Be Criticized!” Tucker Carlson RIPS Southern Poverty Law Center



9 Comments on “Islam CANNOT Be Criticized!” Tucker Carlson RIPS Southern Poverty Law Center

  1. Hey rag head, get the hell out. We criticize the satanic inspired occult of isalm all we want. Don’t like it? Get the hell out. Go back to your 3rd world shit hole full of 4th century customs. Go back to where you live in filth, the whole damn place smells like an out house, and 16 centuries of inbreeding has been disastrous. Like communism, the only reason islam still exists is because of terrorism: Dissenters are killed. A person can count on one hand all the islamic accomplishments the world has benefited from. In Israel, it is impossible to calculate how many accomplishments the world has benefited from. You don’t appreciate freedom? Get the hell out and take all your worthless, child molesting, animal screwing, welfare dependent, illiterate, and inbred rag head pals with you.

  2. we need to turn the tables on the Left in general and the so-called SPCL in particular. We need a wealthy Conservative like Adelson or a wealthy Libertarian like Peter Thiel to donate funding for a Southern Middle-Class Law Center and then expose actual hate groups like National SOCIALISTS, Antifa Anti-First Amendment, Black Lives Matter, etc.

  3. Robert Spenser is a great American who has been targeted by not just Islam but left wing loonies as well on our behalf.

    Ignore him and his teachings (and books) at the very peril of your life, your family, and the future of your country.

  4. Wait just a minute judge, I have it confirmed by a world Muslime leader that not only were they instrumental in the advancement of science and math but also the founding of the United States. His name is Obama.

  5. SPLC is a Marxist operation whose activities violate every aspect of their Tax Exempt status.

    Have the IRS audit and revoke their nonprofit status. Retroactively. Pick a year, or decade.
    Disallow all donation deductions and hit the donors with penalties & interest.
    Charge SPLC leadership with tax fraud & conspiracy. RICO them.

    That will be the last we hear of the SPLC. And burning their donors is a “teachable moment” as Obama liked to say.

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