“Islam has never changed, and Muslims have been educated on the bad treatment of Christians” – IOTW Report

“Islam has never changed, and Muslims have been educated on the bad treatment of Christians”

Jihad Watch

“What is happening in Iraq is a strange thing, but it is normal for Muslims, because they have never treated Christians well, and they have always held an offensive and defaming stand against Christians.” This is a statement of the reality of the system of dhimmitude as it exists in Islamic law to this day, and as it was applied against Christians in Muslim states for centuries.

Predictably, the General Coordinator of the Islamic Work Front in Lebanon Sheikh Zouheir Al-Joaid accuses the bishop of “hate” for telling these unpleasant truths — apparently Islamic supremacists all work from the same playbook.

“Syriac Orthodox bishop: Muslims enemies of Christ,” The Daily Star, July 30, 2014 (thanks to Andrew Bostom):

BEIRUT: The Syriac Orthodox bishop of Mount Lebanon and Tripoli George Saliba Wednesday denounced Muslims as enemies of Jesus, accusing them of a history of violence and oppression against Christians.

What is happening in Iraq is a strange thing, but it is normal for Muslims, because they have never treated Christians well, and they have always held an offensive and defaming stand against Christians,” Elnashra.com reported Saliba as saying in a radio interview.

“We are not calling for armament and war; we don’t have the capacities,” Saliba said. “We used to live and coexist with Muslims, but then they revealed their canines [teeth].

“They are the enemies of Christ and they do not differ from the Jews in terms of treating Christians.”



9 Comments on “Islam has never changed, and Muslims have been educated on the bad treatment of Christians”

  1. It follows that the Satanic Moon Cult of izlam would hate Christians, seeing as Prestor John (Mohammed) was a Christian Bishop defrocked for pederasty who took his revenge against God and Christianity by perpetrating the fraud of izlam on the Earth.

    Christians are aware of their peril, ‘christians’ are not.

  2. but but … Islam is a religion of peace!

    Please stand still while I peacefully cut off your head and bury you in this peaceful mass grave. Peacefully.

    The problem is, even after everyone else is dead they will still be killing each other due to the Sunni / Shiite thing.

    They will never allow peace. They will always find someone that needs killing.

  3. Islam is the religion that the Lib-Cong love. Moslem intolerance is nothing new, and is soft-pedaled in public school History and Geography classes.

    Know your enemy.

  4. The problem is, even after everyone else is dead they will still be killing each other due to the Sunni / Shiite thing.

    They really ought to get that settled FIRST, then take on the rest of the world.

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