Islamic Bloc of the U.N. (OIC) Tries to Stop Geert Wilders’ Mohammed Cartoon Contest – IOTW Report

Islamic Bloc of the U.N. (OIC) Tries to Stop Geert Wilders’ Mohammed Cartoon Contest

From Creeping Sharia:

In other words, they are trying to enforce the sharia. Source: The OIC Tries to Stop Geert Wilders’ Motoon Contest | Gates of Vienna

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is — surprise, surprise — protesting Geert Wilders’ planned Mohammed Cartoon contest, which will be held later this year in the building housing the Lower Chamber (Tweede Kamer) of the Dutch parliament.

Here’s the OIC press release that came out earlier today:

OIC Strongly Condemns the Statement of a Dutch MP vowing to hold Cartoon Competition of the Prophet Mohamed Peace be upon Him

Date: 24/07/2018

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has strongly condemned the statement made by the Dutch parliament member Geert Wilders vowing to hold a cartoon competition of the Prophet peace be upon Him, at the end of this year.

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen expressed his deep concern over this provocative contest, which is arousing further incitement and sowing the seeds of hatred among the various followers of religions.

HE Dr. Al-Othaimeen affirmed that as the entire world is facing religious extremism and terrorism and needs peace, dialogue and tolerance, it is time to set up internationally binding legal instruments to prevent incitement, racism and discrimination, religious hatred and respect [sic] for all religions. Freedom of expression does not mean insulting the feelings of others; an attitude which cuts against the universal principle of respect for religions.

Notice that this document is far more than a complaint: it is a call to action, a reminder that the West must implement Resolution 16/18 and criminalize Islamic blasphemy.  more




8 Comments on Islamic Bloc of the U.N. (OIC) Tries to Stop Geert Wilders’ Mohammed Cartoon Contest

  1. I sent in my Art,it was 2 stick figures, one was old and had a grey beard while standing behind the much younger stick figure ( i tried to draw her around 6 or 7 years old) bent over while the larger much much older stick figure is consummating their marriage.

  2. “the entire world is facing religious extremism and terrorism and needs peace, dialogue and tolerance”

    Note the last word—TOLERANCE—Something that Muslims refuse to practice, but demand that everyone in the world practice. Especially when it comes to dealing with Muslims.

    DR Yousef needs to be less of a hypocrite. (along with the rest of the world’s Muslims)

  3. We must be tolerant? Okay, we’ll cancel the cartoon contest when the leader of each Islamic country and the leader of each Islamic/Arab terrorist group publicly accepts and recognizes Israel’s right to exist.

    Failure to show mutual tolerance in return will result in the cartoon contest to proceed as planned.

  4. NO, absolutely NO, right-Winger. We will not be tolerant to this Abhorrent ignorant so-called religion.
    The cartoon contest will proceed not as planned, But each God loving Human being will draw his own Islamic cartoon to show these scumbags exactly what we think of them

  5. When talking about the Muslim (Every member of the planners + doers of 911 were Muslim) the progressive President (11/01) said “Islam is the Religion Of Peace!”! 2 months after the attack this liberal liar said this!

    Or maybe bush is not a liar and America should become Muslim?

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