Islamic Preacher Warns: Beardless Men Cause ‘Indecent Thoughts’ Because ‘They Look like Women’ – IOTW Report

Islamic Preacher Warns: Beardless Men Cause ‘Indecent Thoughts’ Because ‘They Look like Women’

Breitbart Jerusalem: Beardless men sow confusion in pious Muslim society because clean-shaven men sometimes “cannot be distinguished from women” and can cause “indecent thoughts”, according to a Turkish Islamic preacher.

Speaking on the private religious station Fatih Medreseleri (Madrasahs) TV on Dec. 16, preacher Murat Bayaral blasted men who shave, saying they cause confusion for other men who might consider them to be feminine.

His advice consists of the simple mantra: Grow a beard and be a man.

Bayaral said: “Men should grow beards. One of the two body parts that separate men from women is the beard,” according to Hurriyet Daily News.

“For example, if you see a man with long hair from afar you may think he is a woman if he does not have a beard. Because nowadays women and men dress similarly. God forbid! You could be possessed by indecent thoughts,” he added.  read more 

18 Comments on Islamic Preacher Warns: Beardless Men Cause ‘Indecent Thoughts’ Because ‘They Look like Women’

  1. Did the good Holy Man have too much Vino and Sodomize a Beardless Man ?
    Since Boy’s can’t grow Beards, I’m sure they stay busy at the Mosque !
    All of you Muslim Faggots have deep seated issues with Goat and Man Sex or Rape, so shut the Hell Up !

  2. And I could care less about YOUR indecent thoughts. Your thoughts are not my problem until you decide to act on them.
    So fuck off, unless you want me to act out MY thoughts on YOUR bearded skanky ass.

  3. Lets add it up, first there’s muzzie females of any age then there’s livestock {camels,goats etc} young boys and now men who shave, also better throw in some jeep models. They seem to be a picky bunch.

  4. I’ve had indecent thoughts my whole life, but I always thought it was because of women, not shaved men. Thanks for clearing that up for me, Muzzies.

    (BTW, if beards didn’t save the goats from being sodomized, I don’t see how they’re gonna help the guys.)

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