Islamic State arrests reveal jihadi threat near seat of U.S. government – IOTW Report

Islamic State arrests reveal jihadi threat near seat of U.S. government



WT: Law enforcement agencies have arrested nine Northern Virginia residents on charges of aiding the Islamic State since the terrorist group rose to power in Syria and Iraq in 2014 and launched social media propaganda to attract followers, a government message to police states.

The Northern Virginia Regional Intelligence Center issued profiles of the nine in a Dec. 21 report labeled “law enforcement sensitive.”

Such reports are designed to help state and federal agents recognize trends in the types of individuals who are influenced by the Islamic State’s message and how they communicate across terrorist networks.

A defense attorney in one of the cases accused police of anti-Muslim bias; his client later pleaded guilty.  MORE

4 Comments on Islamic State arrests reveal jihadi threat near seat of U.S. government

  1. “Local police are in a particularly difficult situation..they face a severe challenge by Islamists operating in the shadows of our open society.”

    Horseshit! They operate in open view of the Islamic-submitting Administration, and the police are TOO MUCH OF PUSSIES TO FIGHT IT.

    ”These mostly young male Muslims become radicalized either by Islamist imams at some of the thousands of mosques across America, at school, or over the ever-present internet sites that spew anti-West, anti-Christian hatred.”

    WOW! You PUSSIES/DHIMMIS know SO F*CKING MUCH about *how* they get “radicalized” but still don’t know how to stop it. Do us ALL a favor: KILL YOURSELVES so we can properly defend ourselves…PLEASE!

    ”These are the nine profiles”
    NO. These are the nine ISLAMIC TERRORIST SUSPECTS.
    Profile MY A§$!


    a small tip, PUSSIES: the dar al hijrah mosque by SEVEN CORNERS.

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