islamic state Attacks On The West: The Tally So Far – IOTW Report

islamic state Attacks On The West: The Tally So Far

/Breitbart/ (AFP) — Following is a list of attacks on Western targets claimed by or blamed on the Islamic State jihadist group after Saturday’s assault on two policewomen in southern Belgium:

muslim brotherhood

– August 6: Machete attack in Belgium –

A machete-wielding man shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) attacks two policewomen in Charleroi, southern Belgium, badly injuring one in the face before being shot dead by a third officer.

Investigators give the initials of the assailant as K.B., describing him as a 33-year-old Algerian who had been living in Belgium since 2012.

The following day, IS says the attacker acted “in response to (its) calls to target citizens” of countries in the US-led coalition bombing IS in Syria and Iraq.

Funeral for Islamic Jihad Militant Killed in Gaza Clashes

– July 26: French priest killed –

Attackers slit an elderly priest’s throat in a hostage-taking at his church in the Normandy town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray.

French President Francois Hollande says the two attackers, killed by police, claimed to be from IS, while the group says they were its “soldiers”.

– July 24: German suicide blast –

A failed Syrian asylum-seeker blows himself up outside a music festival in the German city of Ansbach, wounding 15 others. The Bavarian interior minister says the man “pledged allegiance” to IS, while the jihadist-linked Amaq news agency said he was a “soldier” of the group.

– July 18: German train attack –  MORE

2 Comments on islamic state Attacks On The West: The Tally So Far

  1. Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence said: “The capacity of the Islamic State, of ISIS, to execute global attacks has not been diminished at all by our actions in theater.” – “That’s Number One. Their capacity to do terrorism internationally has not changed” – “In my 30+ years career as an intelligence professional, I have never seen the world as unstable as it is today. That’s after seven and a half years of Obama and Clinton foreign policy.” / Clapper said this during a congressional hearing

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