Islamic State Says ‘Minister of War’ Is Killed – IOTW Report

Islamic State Says ‘Minister of War’ Is Killed

WFB: BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Abu Omar al-Shishani, who the Pentagon described as Islamic State’s “minister of war,” was killed in combat in the Iraqi city of Shirqat, south of Mosul, a news agency that supports the militant group said on Wednesday.

The Pentagon said in March that Shishani had likely been killed in a U.S. air strike in Syria, but this was the first time the group appeared to confirm his death.

Reuters could not independently verify the statement from Amaq news agency, which Islamic State regularly uses to issue reports and which denied Shishani’s death after the Pentagon’s comments in March.

Islamic State supporters exchanged notes of praise and condolence on social media, including pictures of the ginger-bearded fighter, and pledged to launch a fresh offensive in his honor.  more

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