Islamic terrorism round-up – IOTW Report

Islamic terrorism round-up

Kafir Crusaders: Lancashire Police have released a video of a pervert they want to speak to down the station in connection to the sexual assault of a 13 year old school girl in Blackburn.

I don’t know what they are putting in the curry over in Blackburn but just lately rape jihad of all descriptions seems to be rife in the Islamic enclave.

“This is a shocking incident where a 13 year old girl has been sexually assaulted by a man who caught up with her as she walked along the pavement and began to talk to her before grabbing her from behind.  more


Allah’s willing executioners:

Austria: Afghan migrant attempts to rape woman in broad daylight.

According to OE24 and Vienna Online, the intended victim was assaulted while she was sitting in Donaupark. Since the woman was enjoying the afternoon sun with closed eyes, she didn’t notice the Afghan migrant sneaking up on her. The attacker then suddenly jumped the woman, sat on her upper body, and started pulling off his own trousers “in order to rape the victim,” police have stated.  MORE


Jihad Watch:

Ramadan in Mecca: Jihad bomber blows himself up near Grand Mosque

Why a bombing in Mecca? Because the bomber didn’t think the Saudi regime sufficiently Islamic, or Islamic in the correct way, and thus subject to Islam’s death penalty for such infractions.  MORE


Creeping Sharia:

Iowa: Woman who set Des Moines mosque on fire is…Muslim.

There are no indications that this fire was a hate crime, Parizek said. Ismail attended the mosque, he said, adding that her motive for the fire was unclear.



Clarion Project:

Minnesota: Terror Recruiting Capital.

Minnesota Somali-American activist Abdirizak Bihi, who dedicates his life to countering radicalization efforts by terror groups reaching out to Somali American, blamed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, for inhibiting his anti-radicalization work and the subsequent U.S. government investigations into the matter.  MORE



 Pamela Geller:

Manchester jihadi found bomb making tips on YouTube.

But YouTube blocks our content, while these savages run wild on the platform.

[…] He also reportedly downloaded material from other websites about the chemical compound used in the bomb he detonated at an Ariana Grande concert.

Security services initially suspected that the the complexity of the device meant that it could have only been put together by an experienced bomb-maker.

A couple of days after the Manchester attack, a series of bomb-making guides were found freely available on Facebook and YouTube.  MORE


8 Comments on Islamic terrorism round-up

  1. Iowa. “She wasn’t trying to burn the place down, she was just trying to make a statement. We’re unclear of what that statement is….but it’s not a hate crime”.

    Oh really? Why don’t you ask her? If her intent was against the religion of peace, by all means try her under shariah law.

    If her intent was to falsely blame it on an islamaphobia hate crime, we’ll try her under US constitutional law.

  2. We could send them all back.

    But then I guess we would miss out on all the pedophilia, other rapes, honor murders, female genital mutilation, bestiality, inbreeding, and miscellaneous terrorism that islam enriches our culture with.

  3. We really Need the Free Ability to Stop Similar attacks here. If that Attacker took that 13 Year Old Girl onto your Property, you should be Able to Kill him no Questions Asked !

  4. Count down the seconds until the hero rescuers in Austria are charged with Pisslamaphobia.
    Sheep to the slaughter. A few of these rapejihadists need to have a Sig 226 jammed between their eyes and fired.

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