Islamists Pressure FBI to Drop Training on Muslim Brotherhood – IOTW Report

Islamists Pressure FBI to Drop Training on Muslim Brotherhood

h/t  Blazing Cat Fur

Clarion Project

Teaching about the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood is essential to counter-terrorism prosecutions, and the challenges facing the U.S. today.

A political alliance of 75 organizations led by Islamist supporters has published a letter demanding the removal of “anti-Muslim” material from FBI training. This purported objective is incontestable, but the thinly concealed objective is to end instruction about the Muslim Brotherhood in America.

The letter refers to legitimately offensive instances of anti-Muslim content in FBI documents, specifically a 2005 memo that used the fake name of “Mohammed Raghead.” Derogatory language has no place in governmental instruction.

However, this legitimate example of inappropriate teaching is conflated with examples of appropriate teaching that makes Islamists uncomfortable. It is another application of the “Islamophobia” strategy that has been used by Islamists for decades.

The bloc tries to lump the use of the bigoted term “Mohammed Raghead” together with the important work of former FBI counterterrorism expert John Guandolo, who served in the counterterrorism division of the Washington Field Office.

Guandolo is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood and developed a training curriculum on the topic in 2006 that was endorsed as “groundbreaking” by the FBI’s executive assistant director.



21 Comments on Islamists Pressure FBI to Drop Training on Muslim Brotherhood

  1. Andrea Tantaros said it best,

    “You can’t solve it with a dialogue. You can’t solve it with a summit. You solve it with a bullet to the head. It’s the only thing these people understand.” 😡

  2. Fook the Ragheads and the flea-bitten camels they rode in on…… grant them the serenity to eat their BBQ pork ribs with both hands, especially their right shit stained ones….

  3. Bet that ” Mohammed Raghead” was put in there by a taqiyah-minded muslim, just so it could be held up as an example of raycism. Much like some blacks spray paint “nigger” on their house to cover some misdeed of their own. Much like some imams set fire to their mosque to gain sympathy and insurance payouts.

  4. this article from The Telegraph explains how the Labour Party pushed immigration to change the electorate in England.
    The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a
    politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country
    and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew
    Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

    He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up
    the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant
    to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core
    working class vote”.


  5. Muslims have infiltrated all levels of our government and military so there are probably many in the FBI. Keep paying your taxes and we’re sure to have more of them.

  6. What liberals imagine as the worst of Christianity, they ignore with their eyes in Muslims.

    When the Beslan Massacre visits the Montessori school because of Obama’s no borders policy, they’ll blame the people who demanded background checks. It won’t be terrorism, it will be racism that stopped comprehensive immigration reform. It will be the Tea Party’s fault. It will be Bush’s fault.

    What I imagine as the worst of Muslims, I know they are only allowed to exist because of liberals holding everyone hostage with political correctness.

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