Islamophilic BBC tries to normalize niqab – IOTW Report

Islamophilic BBC tries to normalize niqab

Faith Goldy of The blasts the BBC for their attempt to normalize Niqabs, Burqas, and Hijabs.

23 Comments on Islamophilic BBC tries to normalize niqab

  1. And these women are British subjects, and therefore not covered by President Trump’s travel ban. Ann Coulter is right; we need to stop ALL immigration from ALL countries, legal and illegal.

  2. So I wanted to do a little research on God VS Allah. I GOOGLED just that. God vs Allah. As I remember Allah was an Arch Angel. A Traitor to Jesus. Please enlighten me if I’m wrong. If you google what I did, it comes up God is the Same as Allah. Try it. Fucking Google is the Anti Christ.

  3. I never read any of that stuff. I think you are confusing satan with Allah. Satan was an arch angel until he thought he was the equal of the Creator, He and his followers were ejected from heaven, and will end up in the Lake of Fire, that is not air conditioned.
    Hope this helps.

  4. Extirpates,

    Don’t think so. wasn’t Allah a disciple until he betrayed Jesus? I might be wrong, who knows this stuff? I was eleven when I was taught this. Looking for an expert.

  5. Bad Brad, Maybe you need a Theologian, Tim appears to know a lot of that stuff!
    I am an interested amateur.
    One thing I know for sure: Aramaic was the universal language of the Middle East, Arabic is a daughter of Aramaic. Good Luck!

  6. Joe, as I remember, Mohammad was a disciple that betrayed Jesus. Am I F’ed up? If your currently search the World Wide Web, Muhammad was equal to God and Jesus. I know that’s not right. What kind of evil is this?

  7. Brad- He was a friggin’ ‘moon god’. That’s why they have the quarter moon and the star on their flag. lol.

    Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch knows the koran cover to cover.
    And so does this guy:
    He has a library of everything islam.
    He’s active on Twitter and he’ll probably answer you if you message him or email him.

  8. Even in Saudia women aren’t allowed to wear niqab (face cover) for their passports photos or ID, for the very same reason we wouldn’t allow it–they have to be identifiable.

    Imagine that!!

  9. Brad:

    Mohamed did not exist at the time of Christ…not until the 7th century A.D. (Anno Domini–the year of the Lord, denoting from the year Christ was born).

    Mohamed (aka Mahotman) merely invented the laws of the Koran by taking a little from Christianity and a little from Judaism, then added other things because he wanted to control his followers. I think you know already he was a pervert and pedophile.

    Hope this helps you!

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