Islamophobia or Islamoblowbia? – IOTW Report

Islamophobia or Islamoblowbia?

Why is criticism of Islam forbidden?

from Jewish Journal

ISIS-SyriaThere is apparently no amount of mass murder, no number of innocents tortured or women raped, no amount of female degradation, no number of people enslaved, no number of Christians expelled from or murdered in the Middle East, no amount of Nazi-like Jew-hatred in its societies, no number of beheadings or even crucifixions, and no amount of terror that allows criticism of Islam.

And why is this?

A major Egyptian writer, Aly Salem, who has written 22 plays and 15 books, gave the answer in the Wall Street Journal this week.

His answer: The left.

“Many of my fellow Muslims are trying to reform Islam from within. Yet our voices are smothered in the West by Islamist apologists and their well-meaning but unwitting allies on the left. For instance, if you try to draw attention to the stark correlation between the rise of Islamic religiosity and regressive attitudes toward women, you’re labeled an Islamophobe.

“In America, other contemporary ideologies are routinely and openly debated in classrooms, newspapers, on talk shows and in living rooms. But Americans make an exception for Islamism. Criticism of the religion — even in abstraction — is conflated with bigotry toward Muslims. There is no public discourse, much less an ideological response, to Islamism, in academia or on Capitol Hill. …

“My own experience as a Muslim in New York bears this out. Socially progressive, self-proclaimed liberals, who would denounce even the slightest injustice committed against women or minorities in America, are appalled when I express a similar criticism about my own community. …

“This is delusional thinking. Even as the world witnesses the barbarity of beheadings, habitual stoning and severe subjugation of women and minorities in the Muslim world, politicians and academics lecture that Islam is a ‘religion of peace.’ ”


Read the article here

I was particularly intrigued by this statement from the article: “There are hundreds of millions of non-Islamist Muslims (an Islamist is a Muslim who seeks to impose Shariah on others), including many “cultural” or secular Muslims.”

This may be true, but I’d like to hear more from these “non-Islamist Muslims”. Right now, I don’t trust any Muslim even if they say they are not seeking to impose Shariah.  I know that they are allowed to lie to infidels in order to further their goals. When I see them actively fighting those Muslims that want us dead, then I MAY believe them.

I’ve become so jaded…


6 Comments on Islamophobia or Islamoblowbia?

  1. mohammedan prayers are answered in Hell – every faithful mohammedan ends up there, with their, ‘allah,’ and their prophet (Piss be upon him) for all eternity.

    And if they don’t LIKE that, well… the truth, HURTS. >:-(

  2. I don’t think you can fine tune Islam by separating Islamists from Muslims. The Quran is their book, and it makes no distinction between believers. Sharia law, and Jihad is Islam, no exceptions. Muslims who do not adhere to, or haven’t yet embraced the full Monty are just as likely to be tortured, and murdered by ‘true believers’ as non believers. Islam is totalitarian evil. All Muslims are potential murderous suicidal psychopaths, Let the liberals cozy up to them.

  3. “All Muslims are potential murderous suicidal psychopaths, Let the liberals cozy up to them.”

    I agree, but I think it might be more accurate to say that all “people” are potential murderous suicidal psychopaths – Muslims just make that fact more of a likelihood. 😉

  4. Maybe we can start a rumor that Islamists are really Republicans. Maddow will start frothing from the mouth, Special Ed Schultz can spend a half hour screaming some sort of rant about how Islamists need to be eradicated, maybe even Chrissy Matthews will start playing hardball when he isn’t busy kissing Obama’s ass.

    The only problem with this strategy is leftists are cowards. They know real Islamists have no problem cutting off their heads (and actually missing their brains, which are somewhere south of there), and fear of a real threat outweighs their pretend outrage at Republicans.

  5. A radical Muslim wants to cut off your head
    A ‘moderate’ Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut of your head

    Here is the message that needs to be sent:
    Hey Muslims, control your Hillbillies or we will do it for you, and we ain’t going to be too discerning when we do it.

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