Islam’s Latest Contributions to Peace – IOTW Report

Islam’s Latest Contributions to Peace

The religion of peace

“Mohammed is God’s apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another”
  Quran 48:29

2014.03.01 (Jamrud, Pakistan) – A young boy is among a dozen killed in two bombing attacks on polio vaccination teams.
2014.02.27 (Haditha, Iraq) – A Religion of Peace suicide bomber blows up seven people at a house.
2014.02.27 (Sadr City, Iraq) – Thirty-two patrons at a used motorbike market in a Shia area are brutally dismantled by Sunni bombers.
2014.02.27 (Mogadishu, Somalia) – Ten people are taken out in mid-bite by an al-Shabaab bombing at a restaurant.
2014.02.27 (Adamawa, Nigeria) – Boko Haram Islamists burn churches and massacre nearly forty people, including students at a Christian seminary.
2014.02.27 (Karachi, Pakistan) – Sunni gunmen take down a Shiite imam and his son outside their madrassah.

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9 Comments on Islam’s Latest Contributions to Peace

  1. You darn islamophobic’ers. Look at all the wonderful things Islam has brought the world! A huge market for cloth (burlap for burkas), ammo, weapons, goats, and and, I am sure there is more…

  2. During The Walking Dad, there are plenty of commercials for video games. What we really need is one manufacturer to have the ‘nads to make one about the New Crusades.

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