Isn’t Congress fan-girling over Zelensky “provocative?” – IOTW Report

Isn’t Congress fan-girling over Zelensky “provocative?”

Patriot Retort: Despite Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky begging NATO for planes, it was reported last Friday that Joe Biden was the one who personally vetoed the proposed plan to have Poland send MiG fighter jets to Ukraine because he was concerned that Russia may consider such a move provocative.

Now, I’m no special pleader for Joe Biden. The guy is a weak, incompetent president and a hopeless Commander-in-Chief.

But how could Russia not view the shipment of fighter jets from NATO to Ukraine as anything but a provocation? Putin has already said the sanctions are an act of war. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude he’d feel the same way about a transfer of jets.

We’ve painted ourselves into a corner here. And by “we” I mean this administration.

On the one hand, Biden doesn’t want to do anything that could escalate the conflict to the point where the United States is dragged into a direct war with Russia.

On the other hand, Biden and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle can’t shut the hell up about how they are standing with Ukraine and President Zelensky. read more

7 Comments on Isn’t Congress fan-girling over Zelensky “provocative?”

  1. I believe the corrupt nations, US, Canada, most of Europe, will make enough weapons available to Ukraine to provoke Putin to escalate this war and level Ukraine. The balancing act, or trick, is to do just enough damage to destroy the evidence of all the corruption and theft in Ukraine, but hopefully bring this to an end before WWIII really does break out.

  2. The “Problem Solving Caucus” (yes, that is a real thing, unfortunately) in Congress is gung-ho to give the Ukrainians fighter jets. We are so facked if these mucking forons get their wish. And you know that Joe’s junta is going to cave.

  3. does anyone else think some of that video Zel the Great Zinsky showed was staged? the shots of the kids lying down sure looked it, same w/ the ‘different’ ‘pregnant’ women

    … maybe it’s the cynic attitude in me

  4. Something is rotten in the way the Biden government is dealing with this – they are playing both sides of the fence — WHY?
    They can’t figure out who to support?
    This has signs of the Vietnam conflict all over again, when there is no “good side.” The USA will be the ultimate loser, when the dust settles and the truth emerges.

    “America is simultaneously giving Russia over $25 million per day in oil and gas purchases, while committing billions to Ukraine’s defense. This means the Biden administration is funding both sides of the Russia-Ukraine war.” (A quote from Twitter).


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