Israel Accuses Biden Of Attempting To Topple Netanyahu – IOTW Report

Israel Accuses Biden Of Attempting To Topple Netanyahu

Great Game India: A “very senior” Israeli official retaliated on Tuesday against a US intelligence assessment that was released overnight and raised concerns about how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was handling the war against the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, suggesting that the government’s survival “may be in jeopardy.”

The official read the intelligence assessment as an attempt to remove Netanyahu from office and declared, “Those who elect the prime minister of Israel are the citizens of Israel and no one else.” more

18 Comments on Israel Accuses Biden Of Attempting To Topple Netanyahu

  1. The PA/Hamas will never give an unconditional surrender. They need the chaos to keep the money rolling in. They literally couldn’t care any less for the people living there, they’re nothing but a means to an end, the end being their Swiss bank accounts.

    OTOH we have Israel waging genocide on the helpless(for the most part) people living in Gaza. Yes they teach their children to hate jews, they are blindly hateful. Unfortunately most of them have been so indoctrinated to hate since they were born.

    It’s a terrible situation. For both sides. The PA/Hamas will never be voted(haha) out. If there is a respite in the killing, they will use it to rearm, dig more tunnels and build more rockets. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Israel would be better off killing the owners of those bank accounts. And we should keep the fuck out of there. Quit fucking with Iran, quit sending money to Israel. Get the ever living fuck out of Syria and Iraq. Make it cleat to all involved, especially Iran and SA that any attacks, anywhere on this country and they can kiss huge chunks of their oil infrastructure adios.

    gee who was it that did that? Seemed to be working although the PA never stopped arming up. Takes money to do that and keep them bank accounts topped off.

  2. on whose shoulders

    “who’s side will mossad be on this november. And i seem to remember Netenyahu sidling up to joey shitpants pretty quick in 2020”
    Netenyahu already knew the Democrat election fix was in… Israel knows how corrupt the American Communist Party/Democrats are and have been since the Civil War.

  3. Fund Israel to the max, our ONLY ally.

    Cut funding to Turkey, member of NATO, let Europe fund them.
    Absolutely NO funding for Palestinians, Iran, Iraq, UAE or Jordan.
    If the UN or the EU funds any of them significantly Cut Funding to both.

    The UN has Failed the Purpose for which they were founded, leave the UN, get them out of the US. Send them to socialist EU or the Hague, then ignore them.

  4. It appears Biden’s enablers do read the Bible. Hoping the GOD of Abraham will do what they have failed to do.

    ISRAEL ~~ “Blessed are they who bless you,” he says. “Accursed they who curse you.”

  5. cato SATURDAY, 16 MARCH 2024, 12:32 AT 12:32 PM

    “The UN has Failed the Purpose for which they were founded…”

    You can’t possibly be that naïve.

    The UN was founded to advance progressivism/Marxism/Satanism and to protect the interests of the military industrial complex (just one of the conduits the corruptocrats funnel money through) and undermine the interests of real Americans and not their stated mission.

  6. I don’t know why the Jews are complaining. They are all democrats and fully support Biden. They just can’t wake up and realize the democrats are out to destroy them as a Religion, a Race, and a Country.


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