Israel, China Collaborate to Push Anti-American Commie Ruben Gallego for Senate in Arizona – IOTW Report

Israel, China Collaborate to Push Anti-American Commie Ruben Gallego for Senate in Arizona

National File: Israel and Communist China are using their globalist influence operations to collaborate in pushing anti-American Democrat Ruben Gallego for US Senate in Arizona, as the Epstein-funded, CCP-tied Humpty Dumpty Insitute, exposed by National File, mobilizes for 2024, and World War 3.

Far-left Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ), a staunch voice for gun control, open borders, and war in Ukraine, announced his 2024 US Senate campaign last month. Gallego, a member of the Humpty Dumpty Institute’s “Congressional Advisory Board,” is just one of several lawmakers with links to the Israel and Communist China-tied influence operation who’s already mobilized for the next election cycle, and who’s galavanted around the world pushing for increased American involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian War. MORE

4 Comments on Israel, China Collaborate to Push Anti-American Commie Ruben Gallego for Senate in Arizona

  1. Israel and China huh? Well that figures. The Israelis keep passing China U.S. military technology and we keep giving it to them. Man are we stupid. You can’t trust the Israelis. They are very tight with the ChiComs.


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