Israel Demolishes Illegal Buildings [International Leaders, Media Demolish Truth] – IOTW Report

Israel Demolishes Illegal Buildings [International Leaders, Media Demolish Truth]

Sara Carter: Last week Israel demolished 13 illegally built buildings which were being erected by Arab Palestinians. Arab leaders screamed “war crimes” and “ethnic cleansing.” That the denunciations were absurd and based on utterly false predicates had no impact on the international response. In a perfect Pavlovian chorus, the media amplified the hysteria, followed by the United Nations the EU and other European leaders who claimed Israel’s action was akin to the destruction of peace in the Middle East. Only the refusal of the United States to join in the lynch mob prevented a formal UN Security Council measure against Israel.

But the real outrage was not Israel’s action in demolishing the buildings. The audacity, and the sloppiness, of the international media and international political leadership is the real outrage.

Because as anyone can see by reading the Israel Supreme Court opinion authorizing these demolitions, every single material “fact” asserted by these outraged protectors of the peace process is wrong:
– The land on which the buildings stood is not under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, but, as explicitly provided by the Oslo Accords, under the jurisdiction, for security purposes, of the Government of Israel
– Instead it was included inside Israel’s security barrier at the request of the very Arabs who are now complaining;
– The Arab complainants had the benefit of years of due process, which they flaunted by continuously disobeying orders of the Israeli courts that required both the Army and the Arabs to maintain the status quo until the courts could assess the legal merits of the Arabs’ claims;
– The Arabs chose to build right up against Israel’s security barrier even though they had clear notice that such construction was illegal because it impeded the Israeli army’s ability to defend Israel’s citizenry from Arab terrorist attacks.
The fact that these realities are completely ignored by all of the outraged international “authorities” is a disgrace.

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5 Comments on Israel Demolishes Illegal Buildings [International Leaders, Media Demolish Truth]

  1. When we went to Israel a few years ago, we saw some of those illegal buildings. Most looked like they wouldn’t survive a thunderstorm, much less an earthquake or other natural disaster.

  2. All the Palestinians seem capable of doing is screaming about how the Israelis are oppressing them. This time by tearing down some of the Palestinian hovels which were on Israeli controlled land.

    They can’t even find decent leaders, just murderers, anti-semites, and socialist losers.

    There a several things going on in the world that I am completely fed up with hearing about, and one of them is the Palestinians. Fuck ’em all.

  3. The IAF should havw cleared the “construction zone” with a couple of good runs, let all legal cpmplaints be filed after the fact. They could have beem digging underground tunnels, and using the surface noise as a cover.


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