Israel kills key Hamas commander responsible for Iranian funding – IOTW Report

Israel kills key Hamas commander responsible for Iranian funding


Israel kills key Hamas commander responsible for Iranian funding, as Palestinian rocket barrage continues.

The Palestinian rocket barrage on Israeli civilian communities continues unabated today. In all, over 500 rockets have been fired on Israeli cities and towns, causing at least four Israeli civilian deaths.

Homes and the maternity ward of a hospital have been hit, among other civilian locations in Israel. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are threatening to expand the rocket fire to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and even further north.

Since the rocket fire started on Friday, Israel had limited retaliation to empty buildings, both terrorist and mixed use (only after warning was given to the civilians to evacuate).

It didn’t work at stopping the rocket fire.


Israel appears ready to stop playing this empty-building game. A senior Hamas commander, responsible for the transfer of Iranian cash to terror groups in Gaza, has been killed in a strike on his car as it was driving through Gaza city. The terrorist has been identified as Hamed Ahmed Khudari (also spelled, Ahmed Abed Khudari, Hamed al-Khoudary, Hamed Hamdan El Hadary).  more

21 Comments on Israel kills key Hamas commander responsible for Iranian funding

  1. Good for the IDF. Way past time to stop playing nice. The Israelis need to start a counter campaign similar to this:
    “We may strike the building where you live at any time, because we have intelligence that leads us to know there is a terrorist leader and activities going on there. If you do not want us to strike the building where you live, then remove all terrorist leaders and activities”

  2. FTA: “Khudari, 34, was the owner of a money-changing company which had been declared a terrorist group in 2018, and had smuggled large amounts of cash from Iran to Islamic Jihad and Hamas, providing the cash-strapped terrorist groups with much-needed foreign currency.”

    And where’d this money come from? The $1.8 billion in CASH the traitorous Obama sent to Iran. May he burn in hell.

  3. 500 rockets since Friday and 4 deaths……. are they Estes rockets? I do not want Israelis to be killed but WTF?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Irony Curtain, yes.

    Remember how Germany just wouldn’t stop and then we had to bomb the hell out of Dresden? Ditto dropping the bombs on Japan. At a point, one has to say “Enough!”

  5. Kill. Them. ALL! Janitor is correct! As is Irony! 1400+ years of evidence is long enough for anyone with half a brain to realize that they always fail the final exam

  6. Crackerbaby, they are dipshits, and Thank G-d for that.

    Remember The River War? They were firing mud balls and pieces of telegraph wire out of their rifles. And that was over 100 years ago. They are STILL fucking dumb.

  7. Also, during the River War, they set a marine mine that immediately exploded, killing all of the mine setters, and destroyed their shitty boat — so, the next mine they set they flooded the mine with water so it wouldn’t detonate.


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