Israel: Muslims torch Christmas trees of Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christian communities – IOTW Report

Israel: Muslims torch Christmas trees of Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christian communities

Religion of peace, everybody!

Jihad Watch –

The Christmas trees of the Greek Orthodox and the Greek Catholic Churches in Sakhnin, an Arab city in Israel’s Northern District, were torched by unidentified people early today.

A prominent member of the local Greek Orthodox church assured this writer that the suspects are local Muslims whom the Israeli police are presently taking steps to arrest. Local Muslims, in an act of solidarity, gathered near the two churches to clean up the debris.

This attack comes after Hamas in Gaza initiated a campaign to restrict people’s interaction with Christmas in Gaza, which was followed by the launch of a social media campaign affirming that Christian holidays are infidel festivals. more


A dance party in the West Bank becomes the latest episode of Muslim oppression of Christians.

This year, Christmas among Palestinians appears to have been a source of unusual animosity towards Christians. The aftereffect of Hamas’s memo about Christians in Gaza and the Christmas celebration was a social media anti-Christmas campaign that culminated with the burning of Christmas trees by Muslims in the city of Sakhnin in northern Israel.

Now this anti-Christian campaign has come to the West Bank, spearheaded by Muslims from East Jerusalem, against the Nabi Musa historic structure, a site which is situated seven miles south of Jericho and twelve miles east of Jerusalem in the Judean wilderness.

A dance party was held in one of the halls of the site, hosted by a renowned Palestinian DJ named Sama Abdul Hadi. Muslims from Jerusalem responded to their discovery of the party by organizing a convoy, drove to the site, and shut it down.

They began by launching an online campaign called “Hey guys, let us drive all to the shrine of the Prophet Moses, the Christians have turned it into a place for prostitution, drugs, and drunkenness.” They thought it was a Christmas celebration.

This Palestinian activist, in this Facebook video, hailed the Islamic movements and Fatah for taking action against the party, but also made it clear that the participants were “Muslims from the West Bank.” At the beginning of the video, he emphasized that they “were not Christians, but rather Muslims.”

6 Comments on Israel: Muslims torch Christmas trees of Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christian communities

  1. Jews the most hated.
    Christians the persecuted.
    Hindus very peaceful and tolerant.
    Muslims are the victims?!?!

    I’m Catholic & My wife is Jewish. I win again!


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