Israel releases 39 Palestinian prisoners in hostage deal with Hamas – IOTW Report

Israel releases 39 Palestinian prisoners in hostage deal with Hamas

JTN: Israel reportedly released 39 former Palestinian prisoners into the West Bank as part of the hostage deal negotiated with Hamas alongside the temporary ceasefire.

The release of the Palestinian prisoners occurred around the same time that Hamas released 24 hostages being held in Gaza. These hostages had been held as leverage in Gaza since the devastating Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel by Hamas.

This exchange is the first in what is reported to be the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli custody. In exchange, Hamas promised to release a total of 50 hostages back to Israel. MORE

6 Comments on Israel releases 39 Palestinian prisoners in hostage deal with Hamas

  1. I like your idea of using pig trucks to transport these pisslamic jerks. I only was passed by a pig truck once on a very hot day, needless to say it was gross and stunk like hell. Cattle trucks are bad enough, but pig trucks are far worse and will take your breath away.

  2. So all we can do is wait to see if Israel will finally raze Gaza to the ground (not looking likely at this point), or if this will be the “same shit, different hostile action” scenario and the cycle will continue ad infinitum.


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