Israel: Tlaib and Omar barred from entry – IOTW Report

Israel: Tlaib and Omar barred from entry


“We won’t allow those who deny our right to exist in this world to enter Israel. In principle this is a very justified decision”

22 Comments on Israel: Tlaib and Omar barred from entry

  1. Good decision.

    It would be like inviting your most intense mortal enemy, who actively wants you to be dead, into your home.

    Wish America would adopt the same policy toward its own mortal enemies.

  2. …well, they deny America as defined by the Constitution of 1789’s right to exist, too, as well as denying the right of ANYONE who believes in the Christian (i.e. REAL) God’s right to exist by DEFINITION in their shared “religion” so let’s ban them HERE as well, and for the same reason…

  3. Two members of “the squat” banned from Israel…
    Radish Talib and Heathen Omar were denied entrance,
    Probably because of their anti Israeli views,
    They may receive a warm welcome in Palestine Authority,
    Arabs cannot even pronounce Palestine, they use Falestine instead,
    Palestine was supposed to be an insult to the Israelis and is a Latin and Egyptian word.

  4. President Trump tweeted the Jew hating Jezebel Squad should not be allowed in Israel; .

    Leftist critics are saying Israel was waiting for President Trump’s approval for the trip. Calling Mr. Trump a bully and Israel his puppet. So what! Israel needed to know President Trump’s opinion before the jihadi harpies made the trip. These disgraceful, evil “representatives” are our problem after all.

  5. So if Somehow their passports are revoked, will they be stuck in foreign airport lobby-limbo for, say, the rest of their term, which is how long it will take the bureaucracy to straighten out?
    Works for me…

  6. Extirpates- too true. A little history bonus round. The Romans could not make the “PH” sound. Hence the 1st, 2nd & 3rd “Punic” wars. Who were the “Punics”. Well, Carthage was the particular city state but where did the Carthaginians come from? Answer- the “Phoenicians”. Stay with me on this. {Power activate- form of a history geek nerd}

    Now, the Phoenicians had legs in the ancient world- I mean they were everywhere. They were even in the Holy Land. In the Holy Land they were known by the name “Philistines”. Hence, for those who are familiar with the O.T./Tanach and you read of Ba`al worship yes it is the same Ba’al the Carthaginians worship whose most famous general “Hannibal” literal means “grace of Ba’al”. (and yes, full scale Ba`al worship as in child sacrifice) Anywhoo- the Romans come on line in Israel when Herod (a non Jew) marry’s the last of the Maccabean(long story of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucids) and the reason Herod the Great was allowed to marry into the Maccabean family. And why was a non Jew allowed to marry into that family? Because Herod had very strong ties to Pompey Magnus (aka Pompey the Great). Fast foward- because the Jews were a pain to the Roman side the Romans decided to stick it to the Jews when it came to name places on the map. The Romans decided to name that part of the world after the historic enemies of the Jews who were the…. wait for it… …. “Philistines” but as Latin has no “PH” (remember how the Phoenicians became “Punic”) the name on the map became, … … wait for it … … “Palestine”.

    love telling that story whenever I get a chance to watch a libtard go into “everything I was told is a lie” sensory overload. Because when they say ‘no, this can’t be’ you hit them with do these names ring a bell with you? Britainna”, “Germania”, “Affracanus”, “Hespainila”, “Italia”, “Belgia? Those are all places the Romans named and when Western map makers made maps they just went with it. The same holds true for “Palestine”. And again- the Romans called it “Palestine” to insult the people living there and those people were who? Answer: the Jews. Libatard you have no idea how epic is your failure when you breath the word “Palestine”.

    There are at least 2 more levels of fail to “Palestine” but I fear I’ve written too much as is. If anyone wants me to write more I will. The promps are “who self identified as “Palestinians” in the 1920’s and what does it really mean if you are a literal “Philistine”

    That was a lot but it is not often someone brings it up and I just wanted to share.

  7. As there is an election coming up in Israel why is the press not accusing the two BDS supporters of going over there to cause Netanyahu nothing but headaches- or- in other words- being the foreign power meddling in another nations elections?

    No, that could have nothing to do with their desire to tour a place than want to destroy. Only a crazy person could think of such a thing.


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