Israeli actress Gal Gadot to play Queen Cleopatra in upcoming film – IOTW Report

Israeli actress Gal Gadot to play Queen Cleopatra in upcoming film

EI: Israeli actress Gal Gadot is set to start in the upcoming high-budget film “Cleopatra”, following the uproar caused by Netflix’s Cleopatra documentary, Israeli media announced.

“All I ever saw in regards to Cleopatra from the film, was that she was this seductive woman who had an affair with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony,” the Israeli actress said according to the “Maariv” newspaper.

“But the truth is, there’s so much more to her. This woman was so ahead of her time.”

“You know, if Wonder Woman is the imaginary strong female leader, Cleopatra’s actually the real one,” the actress explained in a recent interview with Vogue Hong Kong. “That’s a perfect example of a story that I wanted to tell because I started reading different books about Cleopatra, and I said, wow, that’s fascinating.” 

The Hebrew newspaper stated that it has been revealed already since the end of 2020 that Gadot will play the lead role in the “Cleopatra” movie. MORE HERE

20 Comments on Israeli actress Gal Gadot to play Queen Cleopatra in upcoming film

  1. Cleopatra didn’t cause the Roman Civil War that plunged Republican Rome into centuries of Imperial tyranny.

    Her cat did.

    “Cleopatra’s favorite cat
    Got his hands on Caesar’s spats
    The heat was on as you could see
    So he front ’em to Mark Antony.
    Said, “My girlfriend’s cat is smarter than me.”
    Caesar had an eye for clothes
    He saw them spats and said, “I like those.”
    Caesar had no thing to say, except,
    “Jesu Christi Domine,
    Et tu, Brute,
    Jesu Christi Domine,
    Et tu, Brute.”
    The senate tried to sympathize
    It was the cat they should despise
    Informant told his whereabouts
    Centurions to seek him out
    Centurions! There go the centurions.
    Brutus had to turn his head
    When THIS cat done went and said,
    “If he’s got this thing for shoes,
    He just might be ambitious, too.
    They got holidays all in his name,
    And all a tyrant needs is fame.
    Those fascists don’t play pretty games
    Egypt is the place to be…
    But Rome is a democracy.
    Caesar never got them back
    ‘Cause they killed his ass in the second act.
    Brutus spoke, then Antony:
    Said, “My girlfriend’s cat is smarter than me.
    Friends, Romans, can’t you see
    My girlfriend’s cat is smarter than me
    Egypt’s biggest rivalry:
    Cleopatra’s cat and me.”
    “Cleopatra’s Cat”, by noted hemp historians The Spin Doctors

    …that’s no stupider than any OTHER Hollywood sceeenplay.

    Make a movie from THAT.

  2. “But she’s not black!”

    Neither was the original, she was Greek.

    Considering that Disney is shelving all the Snow White spin-offs and is a dog hair away from stopping production of their new SW monstrosity, Gal will have plenty of time to study up on her role.

    With the advances made in CGI and creating AI actors, I am hoping 1) Hollywood starts making more epic-scale historical stories like Oppenheimer and the new Napoleon that is coming out, and 2) Actors are removed altogether and replaced with AI characters; less annoying and political.

  3. So when Cleo was cast by a black woman, the Egyptians raised such a ruckus that the studio backed down and instead named an Israeli to the part? Good thinking Hollywood.

  4. “It’s like, wow, this woman was like, you know, a Wonder Woman slut! She was way before her time with like being a whore and stuff!”

    Gadot comes across as another mouthbreathing dipshit of the generation. They are all equally worthless.

  5. An ancient coin shows Cleopatra in profile with a rather big unattractive nose.

    Historical accuracy was never Hollywood’s strong point. Sex and violence is what Hollywood sells. I predict there will be lots of sex scenes with her and Julius Caesar and her and Mark Antony.

  6. ^^^^^

    More probable, there will be sex scenes between her and Anthony and Caesar at the same time – a Threesome, even though Caesar was assassinated before Mark Anthony hooked up with Cleo.

    Maybe they’ll imply that it Was Great Ceasar’s Ghost that showed up for the threesome.

    I read a lot of Roman history and it always irks me how historians anglicize the names of people and places. Mark Anthony was really Marcus Antonious – he should still be called that…it’s no loss to refer to him as Marcus Antonious. Same thing with Rome – I believe it was called Roma by the ancient Romans.

    Who needs historians’ nit pick editing? Not me. Lots of ancient writings have to be translated into English for us to understand, but not names and places. Leave them as they were.

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