Israeli Minister Slams Tlaib After She Cancels Trip: ‘Her Hate for Israel Overcomes Her Love for Her Grandmother’ – IOTW Report

Israeli Minister Slams Tlaib After She Cancels Trip: ‘Her Hate for Israel Overcomes Her Love for Her Grandmother’

Epoch Times:

Israel’s interior minister criticized Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on Aug. 16 after she canceled her trip to the majority Jewish nation despite being granted permission to travel there so she can visit her grandmother in the West Bank on humanitarian grounds.

“Rep. Tlaib just tweeted that she won’t be coming to Israel. Just yesterday she sent me a letter, asking to visit her 90 year old grandmother saying, ‘it might be my last chance to meet her,’” Interior Minister Aryeh Deri wrote on Twitter on Aug. 16.

“I approved her request as a gesture of goodwill on a humanitarian basis, but it was just a provocative request, aimed at bashing the State of Israel.

“Apparently her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother,” he added. more

16 Comments on Israeli Minister Slams Tlaib After She Cancels Trip: ‘Her Hate for Israel Overcomes Her Love for Her Grandmother’

  1. Everything they do is dependent on Headline Readers – those who don’t bother to investigate. But those numbers are not increasing, those willing to be convinced already have been, so any outrage-oriented activities like these will either have a neutral or negative effect.

  2. In spite of this b!tch’s letter of yesterday, in which she requested the family visit – saying she’d abide by all their requirements – and got their approval, the Lying Leftist Media is portraying her as the “victim” of Israel’s “oppressive” restrictions.

  3. Wouldn’t a personal trip to just visit family be on her own dime? Odd that neither of the “wonder reps” requested meetings with any Israeli officials? … and who says you can’t put lipstick on a pig?

  4. People like Tlaib were figured out long ago.

    “We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children (or grandmothers) more than they hate us.” Gold Meir 1957 (a quote long attributed to G.M., but some people claim she never actually said it)

  5. In a Perfect World, She boards the plane to fly in and a Palestinian rocket ‘accidentally’ blows her out of the sky; thus solving the USA’s problem and satisfying Israel’s potential mess at the same time!


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