Israelis say they have ‘ironclad’ proof Obama engineered UN resolution behind the scenes – IOTW Report

Israelis say they have ‘ironclad’ proof Obama engineered UN resolution behind the scenes

CFP:In case you’re wondering why this would matter, consider the difference between passively taking no action to stop something another party initiated, versus pushing it behind the scenes and having others sponsor it on your behalf, then sitting back and pretending you had nothing to do with it.

The former is a shameful dereliction of your role as defender of freedom and democracy, but the latter is far worse. The latter means you actively worked to undermine your ally on behalf of its terrorist tormenters, all while insisting to the world that you did nothing of the sort. If the Israelis really have the kind of proof they claim to have, Donald Trump should not let Barack Obama off the hook for what he’s done. And the Israelis, who aren’t known for bluffing, make it clear they do:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has long had a cool relationship with President Barack Obama, has called the resolution “shameful” and accused the U.S. of playing a leading role in its passage.

On Tuesday, his spokesman went even further.

“We have ironclad information that emanates from sources in the Arab world and that shows the Obama administration helped craft this resolution and pushed hard for its eventual passage,” David Keyes said.

“We’re not just going to be a punching bag and go quietly into the night as the Obama administration helps push such a grave resolution,” he said.

He did not identify the Arab sources or say how Israel obtained the information. Israel has close security ties with Egypt, an original sponsor of last week’s resolution. Under heavy Israeli pressure, Egypt delayed the resolution last week before other council members presented it for a vote a day later. Egypt ended up voting in favor of the measure.


25 Comments on Israelis say they have ‘ironclad’ proof Obama engineered UN resolution behind the scenes

  1. Obama is a Traitor to America and Israel. I hope Netanyahu continues to give Barky the middle finger.
    Can our Congress do anything but twiddle their thumbs? Obama needs to be stopped. Is there any doubt Obama isn’t a muslim?

  2. Instead of saddling Trump with telling the story, and making him the messenger, as they plan to do, the Israelis should expose it themselves. It’s their story. He will have plenty to do without having to deal with this political football.

  3. Give the info to Wikileaks, or Alan Dershowitz, he might be pissed off enough to get it out there. Hell, give it me, I’ll send it to somebody that will stir up some shit. That TRAITOROUS BASTARD obama is a threat to all free people.

  4. Really, this child Obama should no longer be allowed to pitch such fits and run amok through our government. It’s time someone took that horrid, evil brat in hand.
    Congressmen, would you let a terrible child run wild through YOUR house, breaking and ruining things?

  5. so, he tells the Israeli’s that they can’t go over his perception of their ‘border’ …. but has no problem letting the rest of the world walk right over our borders

    Ironic, ain’t it?

  6. The 25 cent naive question:

    Those who believe this KNOW IT TO BE TRUE already.

    How does this “sway/persuade” those who may not know it,

  7. Rumor on other sites is that ozero is getting ready to recognize Palestine as a nation before he leaves office. I didn’t say anything before but that’s where I figured he was going with this – he can’t resist leaving that bag of burning dog poop on our porch.

    I predict there will be a regional war within the next two years. The arabs can’t help it, too many of them are still barbarians. I believe nukes will be used, maybe lots of them, and the millions killed will ALL be ozero’s doing.

    Mossad should be ready on January 21st. Please.

  8. I’ve said this for eight years but, I’ll say it again: Once you accept the fact that Obama is actively working to further the cause of psychotic islamic savagery, then everything he does makes perfect sense.
    My blood boils when people still scratch their heads at this point and say, “but, why in the world would he want to….?”

  9. Very grateful to Israel for the clandestine efforts they have used to help protect The United States. They are aware we have been under a madness curse, lead by a deviant and master of malfeasance for eight years.
    It has been for their benefit and the world. Israel’s frustration is understandable, but it won’t stop them from keeping tabs on any U.S. administration. Hopefully, Trump will prove Israel will have much less to worry about with his leadership.

  10. Spoils of the Six Day War

    United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted under non-binding Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter on 23 December 2016 and concerns the Israeli settlements in “Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East-Jerusalem”.

    While the resolution did not include any sanction or coercive measure, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz it “may have serious ramifications for Israel in general and specifically for the settlement enterprise” in the medium-to-long term. In response to the resolution, the government of Israel retaliated with a series of diplomatic actions against members of the Security Council, including recalling its ambassadors, summoning member countries’ ambassadors, cancellations of visits, and cancellation of aid.

    The draft was originally prepared by Egypt. However, on 22 December, United States President-elect Donald Trump called on Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to withdraw the proposal and Egypt withdrew the nomination after what its ambassador called an “intense pressure”. Then on 23 December, the draft was taken up and proposed again by Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela. The resolution was passed 14 to 0; all members voted for the resolution except for the United States, which abstained

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