Israel’s Supreme Court Issues a Potentially Exposive Ruling – IOTW Report

Israel’s Supreme Court Issues a Potentially Exposive Ruling


In a unanimous ruling on Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that the IDF can draft ultra-Orthodox men to serve in the armed forces. The ruling will allow Israel to continue its war against Hamas, but there are dangerous ripples that could emerge from the decision. more here

12 Comments on Israel’s Supreme Court Issues a Potentially Exposive Ruling

  1. I would say to the ultra Orthodox, “You don’t want to defend Israel? Why should Israel defend you? Good luck with Hamas.”

  2. When we were Israel we heard that there was a lot of resentment against the Orthodox. The Orthodox attitude was “Never again, but we are to important to do anything to prevent it.” That did not and does not go over well with everyone else.

  3. It seems fair that if you’re already drafting able-bodied men then you don’t give certain sects a pass, as they have been doing. But politically it may be trouble.

  4. Something isn’t right.
    The Maccabees were “Ultra Orthodox” and the first to fight.
    WTF happened?
    In fact, it was ALWAYS the “Ultra Orthodox” who led the Israelites in war.
    I don’t recall any Biblical instances of “secular” Jews leading Israel against their enemies (though I’m not a scholar – or even remember much of anything, come to think of it).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ^^^ “Jesus had some trouble with orthodox Jews too. How’d THAT work out?”

    Things worked out very well! Everything that happened to Christ was planned by God;
    “And he (Jesus) began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.”
    Mark 8:31, The Holy Bible

    Christ’s sacrifice on the cross provided salvation for mankind, who can now choose to have their sins covered in the Blood of Jesus and be forgiven, personally know God and spend eternity in Heaven. Before Christ, mankind had no choice, but instead a mandatory eternity in Hell.
    Good News! Despite the jealous, power hungry Jewish orthodoxy at the time, Christ was victorious.

    Israel needs to accept Christ is their only real protection. Forcing Orthodox Jews to join the military is still insufficient defense.

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