It can happen in the state of ____, too – IOTW Report

It can happen in the state of ____, too

Praying Mantis:

For months Floridians have lived a very different reality than most of the blue states and many first world countries. Our kids are IN school, since June of 2020 we have been bar hopping or gym stomping, our restaurants are packed (no medical cards required to eat). We live freely because Ron DeSantis is rogue but right. Proof is in the massive migration Florida has experienced in the last 18 months with the influx of New Yorkers, Chicagoans and Californians driving up real our estate values.

This all could change in a matter of months. Here’s why: even though Florida is considered the golden standard of election integrity, eleven thousand Floridians were dissatisfied with the way Florida counted their votes. Business owners, parents, grandparents, entrepreneurs, data experts, journalists and analysts came together to ensure every Floridian’s voice is heard and counted with competency and transparency in 2022. Defend Florida’s findings are alarming. more here

5 Comments on It can happen in the state of ____, too

  1. problem is, not one damned republican in power is doing a damned thing to correct voter fraud … ANYWHERE!!!

    we will continue to have stolen, fraudulent elections & the republicans are ok w/ that … get it? … they’re all in on the graft. grabbing what they can, while they can


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