It didn’t start with the SPLC: the global jihad has always been aided by Useful Idiots – IOTW Report

It didn’t start with the SPLC: the global jihad has always been aided by Useful Idiots

Jihad Watch: The advance of the jihad in the West today is thanks to numerous non-Muslims who, for a complex of reasons, have opted to hasten the demise of their own free societies. There are numerous non-Muslim organizations today that are enabling and abetting jihad terror and Sharia oppression by smearing and demonizing those who are calling attention to these threats: the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, Georgetown University’s Bridge Initiative, and more. There are individuals who do this as well: Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, British Leftist activist Nick Lowles, “scholars” such as John Esposito and Karen Armstrong, and numerous “journalists” in the UK, such as Lizzie Dearden, and the US, such as Andrew Kaczynski.

The phenomenon of traitors, saboteurs, and opportunists is nothing new. In my new book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, which will be out soon and you can preorder here now, I discuss numerous non-Muslims going back to the beginning of jihad violence who have aided and abetted the advance of the jihad for their own short-sighted ends. In the book, you will meet many of the collaborators of the jihad throughout history, including:  more here

5 Comments on It didn’t start with the SPLC: the global jihad has always been aided by Useful Idiots

  1. I think there is a great deal of arrogance. Leftists have been told they are so intelligent, that they believe they will be able to control the muzzies. No matter how many times thugs take over the Revolts for which the Leftist agitate, They keep telling themselves they can out-maneuver the savages.


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