IT Expert Ramsland: Audit in Savannah, Georgia Shows Tabulation Machines Were Sending Results to China [Video] – IOTW Report

IT Expert Ramsland: Audit in Savannah, Georgia Shows Tabulation Machines Were Sending Results to China [Video]

Russell Ramsland: It looks like it’s going to prove out to be correct that in Georgia there is a “smart thermostat” that is talking to the tabulations and reporting the votes back to China. And that was traced by a Microsoft engineer and he brought it to our attention yesterday. So that’s being monitored.


SNIP: On a similar note- HERE IS THE EVIDENCE is a website that tracks election and wuhanflu info.

5 Comments on IT Expert Ramsland: Audit in Savannah, Georgia Shows Tabulation Machines Were Sending Results to China [Video]

  1. Those vote tabulation machines are in operation right now, with the same software.

    My question is why are they connected to the internet. There is no answer to be had from the SOC’s office.

  2. Our crooked DOJ refuses to protect America. They only attack enemies of the left, and anyone who can help them gain power is shielded from justice. Time for a make over, big time. But their is no one who can do it except American Patriots.

  3. ” And that was traced by a Microsoft engineer and he brought it to our attention yesterday. ”

    A Microsoft engineer with no name or other identifying information to indicate he or she actually exists outside of someones wishful thinking or imagination.

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