It Got “F*ckin’ ridiculous!” In Texas – IOTW Report

It Got “F*ckin’ ridiculous!” In Texas

Cops roughed up a US Congressman.

Daily Caller: Newly released video footage shows Republican Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson clashing with police during an altercation outside a rodeo in July.

The incident unfolded when law enforcement officers detained Jackson, a physician to both former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, after he was asked to “step aside so EMS could respond to a medical emergency,” according to the Texas Tribune.

Police initially did not realize Jackson was trying to assist the victim.

Jackson’s office says the congressman was called to help with a medical emergency involving a teenage girl before first responders arrived, according to the Texas Tribune. more

15 Comments on It Got “F*ckin’ ridiculous!” In Texas

  1. My husband was an EMT/Firefighter back in the day, so I’m not hating on EMT’s, but that cop is stupid, he’s not an EMT and EMT was there. Sorry a doctor tells EMTs and Paramedics what to do. If you want to give patient anything, start an IV, etc. you must have the order of a doctor.
    It’s too bad most of the video has no sound, so we can hear what was being said before he threw him to the ground.

  2. face it …. Texas has become Tejas. wouldn’t be surprised if they Blue Pill in 2024. Abbott is another jellyfish RINO that won’t do anything to upset his masters
    … & w/ the influx of the Kalis, all bets are off.
    face it … w/ Georgia, Ohio & Pennsyltucky gone & Texas next Florida doesn’t matter anymore.

  3. Rural MO is going the same way with the faggots and the other degenerate scum. It used to be you’d see one or two a year. Now they are fucking everywhere. Faggots, illegal aliens, and other unsavory shit. They are like ticks, or fucking yellow-jacket wasps, or chiggers. We saw, and heard, today, some fucking hillbilly scum blaring his rap noise out of his lowered truck. Even this place is lost. There aren’t enough axe handles to go around.

  4. Erik, same with Maine
    Molon, I wouldn’t be surprised.
    Californians move there and instead of saying to themselves, it was terrible where we were, we better vote differently, they do the same things that ruined CA.
    The cops’ first question should have been, Are you a doctor?

  5. ORWW is correct that medicine, even street medicine, is VERY hierarchical and you defer to the highest level of medical care available. It would be something like (leaving out intramural variations and seinority) like LEO<EMT<Paramedic<Nurse<Doctor, althogh some people can be more than one of those. The idea is that the patient gets the highest level of medical care immediately available, period.

    That said, roadside emergency scenes can be chaotic and there may be some question with non-uniformed personnel about just who is who, but one thing you want to avoid to the greatest extent possible is scene fights among responding personnel. This distracts from patient care, adds needless drama, and doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the patient.

    Its too bad there isn't audio so I don't know what was said, but generally you take whatever someone says they are at face value unless proven otherwise, BUT you DO stay in the game to both help and monitor, and to step in if patient saftey appears to be at risk.

    It's a judgement call on the part of the first-in official, however, and how you present yourself will GREATLY affect how you are received. One time I came on an accident in civvies but in my POV that had enough lights to equip a '70s discotheque, identified myself, and the trooper was more than happy to recieve assistance. Had I shown up out of the car and just ran to the patient without a word, I most likely would have been forcibly detained, and MUCH less likely to be believed if I shouted "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME, I'M A MEDIC YOU ASSHOLE!", and therefore would too have been thrown to the curb with no benefit to the patient. Ultimately the uniformed guy is responsible and not taking the time to concince HIM isn't going to help ANYBODY.

    Without audio you cant tell, but my experience with doctors, good ones in particular, is that they are EXTREMELY arrogant pricks. That kinda works in a hospital or office setting, but is just going to piss off an already extremely stressed LEO, who is already uncomfortable because his training is more towards shooting than saving and not every police officer WANTS to do medical things, so they get VERY defensive about it. And you DO have to respect that he's the guy with the gun that's TRAINED to be both suspicious and violent, and so moderate your conduct accordingly.

    I also have deferred to the uniformed guy responsible even when I think my skills exceed his own when appropriate. One time I was treating a pregnant woman having seizures in my plant when the local FD responder showed up, basically ignored me, and took over without preamble. He was pretty fresh but had both legal responsibility and current training at a higher level than me, and to him I was just someone he did not know wearing an ELECTRICIAN shirt stooping over HIS patient, and having been there myself I'm quite sure he was worried about the baby; so rather than get confrontational and shout HEY JUNIOR I'VE SAVED MORE LIVES THAN YOU'VE HAD HOT DINNERS, I just stepped back quietly and resumed my normal duties when his crew showed up. There was no benefit to the patient in me getting up in his grille over wounded pride or turf.

    Not every doctor is necessarily good in a field setting either. Here we see this doctor offered the patient a gumball since he suspected insulin shock or other hypoglycemia issues. Don't know how he got there and insulin shock CAN cause damage quickly and CAN be reversible with sugar, but field SOP is generally NPO, nil per os or "nothing by mouth" if the patient has decreased LOC or rapid transport is advisable due to the choking hazard. Things are different between a quiet ER bay and a jouncing ambulance, and a barely conscious patient may be harder to tell if they are choking in the strobing blue lights of a police car along a dark highway. A gumball is also an interesting choice in that you have to chew it, and given the 5 minutes you've had this patient I'm not sure how you know their jaw/teeth/comprehension is up to the task. Also too gum is a pretty occlusive mass that will, eh, "gum" up a throat pretty well is aspirated and NOT dissolve, which is why field treatments are usually quick dissoving tablets or pastes that aren't going to require forceps to remove on autopsy. Not saying its not a valid doctor's call, just saying you'd best be ready to guard respiratory status under these circumstances.

    I'm guessing this doctor was a DOUBLE prick because he is ALSO a politician. Seems like a pretty good recipe for arrogance to ME, and an overloaded LEO will NOT respond well to a random supreme asshole in a life-or-death situation.

    …so, can't tell without sound, but I wouldn't be so quick to blast the LEO. Everyone could have conducted themselves better and then been partners instead of adversaries. Were it my, only if I think your idiocity will cause death will I fight you like the third monkey at the Ark. Otherwise, I'm going to try to work WITH you instead of AGAINST you, with the goal that we can BOTH help the patient.

    Pride has NO place at an emergency scene. You should ALWAYS avoid scene fights as they are at best unprofessional, and at worst detrimental to the pstient. Both of these guys should have respected that.

    If they HAD, we wouldn't be here talking about them.

  6. SNS, some cops are pricks and always have been. When my husband and I were newly married, we came upon a motorcyle wreck, it was on a major highway, but in a small community, which just happened to be the jurisdiction of the town my husband worked at. They only kept two people at the firestation, one firefighter/EMT and either the chief or asst. chief. So it wasn’t going to be quick. He called in that he was going to be on the scene until someone else arrived. He hops out and sees this kid’s arm has been severed, he always had his kit with him. He comes up with it and tells this Highway Patrol who he is and who he works for. The idiot cop tells they’ve called an ambulance. He tried to explain to him, the kid may not have time to wait for the ambulance. The cop is puffing out his chest, this is his accident scene, my husband flips out his EMT card and tells him to radio the chief, he still refuses. Now my husband is getting pissed and tells him if that kid dies it’s on your head. He still doesn’t back down, a city cop shows up about this time who knows my husband and tells him to let him through, he still refuses. So the city cop radios the chief and he tells him that my husband is officially their first responder and he lets him get to the kid. He goes to the kid and hears a woman yelling at the same idiot trooper that she’s a life flight nurse, my husband knows her and yells at him to let her through, he still refuses. My husband had already called in for life flight by now and shortly after the ambulance arrives and they have to tell the trooper again to let the nurse through and to get back and start controlling traffic so the helicopter can land, which btw ends up landing right next to me while I’m sitting in the car.
    The 17 year old kid lived, although he ended up losing his arm, they tried to reattach it, but it wasn’t successful.
    The trooper screwed up by refusing to even look at credentials, reports were filed and he was given a desk job for awhile, not sure what happened to him after that, some say he was moved to another part of the state, others say he quit because he was mad.

    So since I witnessed a cop being a dumbass wanting to throw his weight around, I could see this cop doing the same. That’s why I wish we could hear when the cop first walked up what was said. What made me think though the cop was an idiot was him saying she was anemic, you’re a cop not a doctor and not ems. I also haven’t heard the ems version.

  7. Cops need to be reminded regularly that they serve to the needs of the citizenry, not the other way around.
    Do we need to start shooting wrong-house raiders & dog killers, just to make the point?
    I’m game.

  8. Old Racist White Woman AT 9:28 AM

    …I am certainly not saying LEO can’t be ignorant, arrogant pricks as well, but you do still have to gett by the guy with the gun.

    As I said, you DO push it if you legit think a life is at stake, but not in a way that you end up cuffed instead as that still helps no one. Your husband did it the right way, refused to back down, went up the chain, and got someone te
    o require the guy with the gun step aside instead of shoving him and running for the scene, so he was able to save a life. Now imagine if he had just yelled “SCREW YOU!” and stiff-armed him out of the way. Where would the focus have been THEN? Would the kid have lived? Maybe not.

    So yes, you DO fight for your patients, even against LEO, but you do it as your husband did and not as this doctor did. Eating gravel with a knee on your back doesn’t help anyone but the reporters.

  9. …and God Bless you for putting up with bring a firefighter’s wife, ORWW. I know another lady very intimately that also did that and its not easy, not easy at all, and I’m sure you were a blessing to him for seeing it through, not every woman does or even can…

  10. everywhere I go the locals report that the cops were bullies in school. In my experience people who never get out of their home town never get past high school rivalries. inherently, the locals who describe the cops as former bullies, and the cops, must be people who are still stuck in study hall.


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