It Is Long Past Time for the CDC and NCHS to Clean Up the COVID-19 Death Counts – IOTW Report

It Is Long Past Time for the CDC and NCHS to Clean Up the COVID-19 Death Counts

PJMedia: Some of us have been questioning the COVID-19 death counts reported by the CDC through the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for some time. Of course, CNN and the corporate media love the likely elevated counts to push their narrative. Lockdown Inc. loves them to justify their destruction of lives and livelihoods. A report from the Freedom Foundation, a Washington State think tank, explains why. The foundation’s original analysis of deaths in the state found the number may have been inflated by as much as 13%:

In May, a report released by the Freedom Foundation, an Olympia-based free-market think tank, revealed the DOH was attributing to COVID-19 every death in which the deceased previously tested positive for the virus. However, it’s clear that catching the disease and dying of it are two very different matters.

Washington’s data was riddled with cases — as much as 13 percent of the total — in which the death certificate made no reference to COVID-19 as a cause of death. In several cases, even gunshot deaths were chalked up to the virus.

While the Department of Health did remove 200 deaths from the count, the Freedom Foundation did another analysis. Combining data sources from the Department of Health for nearly 2,000 deaths as of early September, the new analysis found that 170 death certificates did not mention COVID-19. Another 171 deaths had no causal connection to the virus. According to the Post Millennial, the group estimates Washington’s death counts could be inflated by as much as 20%. read more

10 Comments on It Is Long Past Time for the CDC and NCHS to Clean Up the COVID-19 Death Counts

  1. Heart attacks down… COVID UP.
    Strokes down… COVID UP.
    Influenza deaths down… COVID UP.
    Cancer deaths down… COVID UP
    Gun shot in head – nope, COVID.
    Stabbed in the head – nope… COVID.
    Auto accidents – nope COVID
    Drownings – nope COVID

    Suicides and drug overdoses through the roof!


  2. No government has the right to control your movement…
    Unless you have committed a crime and had due process,
    The death rate for Covid 19 is 0.017657
    Slow the spread is pure propaganda, the death rate is not even 2% of the population,
    Social distancing is also crap, wearing a mask DOES NOT stop covid.
    If lock downs worked, it would be gone by now, Dr. Fauci is a quack!

  3. CHEATING!! What part of the word don’t the sheeple understand?

    There is nothing that the left does, says, lives, reports, educates, elects, works at, and etc. that DOESN’T require huge cheating.

    If a huge tank called CHEAT ran over the sheeple, they’d just hunker down like good little sheeple,

    They will sheepishly follow orders until the day, (and guaranteed, it’s coming), the cheating, elitist, commie traitors come to their shelters and drag them to the mass grave for elimination.

    Complying and buying their lies and tolerating their cheating only makes it easier for their total takeover.

  4. A charging grizzly bear delivered a fatal case of covid to an unwary hunter.
    A scuba diver bled out his covid infected blood from an attack by a 14 foot tiger shark.
    A despondent covid victim couldn’t be talked off the railing of the Golden Gate Bridge before plunging to the water below.

  5. “It Is Long Past Time for the CDC and NCHS to Clean Up the COVID-19 Death Counts”

    fixed it for you:
    It Is Long Past Time to Clean Up the CDC and NCHS

    Disband these moronic departments in the government.


  6. To lower the death count by way of uncooking the books will never happen in our or anyone else’s lifetime because to do so obliterates the narrative that the orange man was bad, bad, bad!
    Proof of that is Kamaltoes getting her vaccine (and her being upset that Biteme’s wasn’t the syringe of Clorox she brought to the occasion) along with everyone else in the coup conspiracy (even Prince Andrew Nipple Rings).

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