It Is Time For An Income Tax Revolution – IOTW Report

It Is Time For An Income Tax Revolution

BlueStateConservative: While the typical, hardworking, and law-abiding American citizen grinds out a hustle, often in minimally-satisfying employment or for little reward, the corrupt federal government hands out financial care packages to the least deserving in society and borrows from the future – to borrow a phrase – like there is no tomorrow.

Under Joe Biden, more than 300,000 Americans have quietly benefited from student loan forgiveness. That number is expected to rise to over 500,000 shortly and presumably sees no end in sight; As I type, both the Department of Justice and Department of Education look like a masked caper contorting himself through laser tripwires in an effort to locate a legal route to forgiving $50,000 per borrower. This redistribution of taxpayer money is immoral and amounts to nothing more than overt theft. On the whole, it rewards the stupid and unable over the savvy and capable.

No one in power seems to be bothered by the fact that many Americans have never gone to college, many more did not take on debt to go to college, and still more decided to study something worthwhile while amassing student loan debt. Where is their reward? There is none, and instead of reveling in financial windfall, they too write a check to the least deserving among us.  more

17 Comments on It Is Time For An Income Tax Revolution

  1. its nothing short of a criminal way of buying VOTES. No different than giving and addict crack to keep him high and indebted. I want my $50k and should not be denied because I was responsible and paid my bills. IF WE HAD A REPUBLICAN PARTY THEY WOULD BE USING THIS AND FIGHTING THIS. Instead, they go right along with it as always.

  2. A society is untenable if it can not provide justice to those that willingly subordinate themselves to that society. Rewarding good behavior and punishing the bad is the very essence of justice.

    Forgiving student debt debilitates our society in two ways; it rewards profligacy and dishonesty, and it harms the righteous, placing an undue burden on them to pay more to compensate for those negated dollars.

    The natural bitterness that ensues also provides a catylist for honest folks to feel like a chump as they look for ways to deny the government needed tax revenue.

  3. The responsible are being saddled with the debts of the irresponsible.
    Time for a divorce – amicable, if possible.
    The leeches and parasites need to be cast adrift along with the government oppressors (well, actually, the government oppressors are the biggest leeches and parasites of all).
    Debt CANNOT be “forgiven” it can only be re-assigned.
    We’ve seen this with the unions mismanagement and thefts of pension funds.
    Liars lie and the ignorant bob their heads.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @rich taylor December 10, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    > and it harms the righteous, placing an undue burden on them to pay more to compensate for those negated dollars

    None of the righteous are buying the Bolsheviks bullets and sammiches, to kill their neighbors.

    None that merely pretend to righteousness, will even share a room with those that are supporting those that kill their neighbors.

    (Unless I missed The Party memo. That “righteous” is this, the current, week’s word for pedotranny.)

  5. I paid both my kids’ college tuitions full retail. I never filled out a FAFSA (I called it a FUFSA) because IMO the government was NEVER a ‘partner’ to my undertakings.

    I despise them ALL, there is no distinction of red or blue to me, politicians are whores and thieves. But like rats, they grow big and brazen until they are culled. It’s time and they deserve it.

  6. I’m waiting for our Cyprus moment when the banks don’t open on a Monday while the govt figures out how much of a haircut that depositors will get. They’ve already talked about taxing ‘unrealized assets’ – they can’t even wait for devaluation and inflation to rob us of our savings.

  7. Not only do I believe Washington should be starved of our tax moneys, but I’ll go even further and say DC should be under siege. Nothing going in; nothing going out. Starve the rats out.

  8. 65 years ago I picked cherries at the Apple Campus (1). 2 months later I picked Prunes, In between I got muddy working irrigation.
    all to pay , in the future, for college. In college I: washed dishes, was recetionist at dorm, worked registration each semester, ll to py current college. I graduated debt free.

    I have no “compassion” for lazy folk who do not wnt to get dirty or sweat in order to pay their bills!

    Fuck Joe!

    (1). This was decades before there was an Apple!

  9. Many beloved Thanks to the people of Lexington, KY and Mobile, AL for paying me to play my way through Medical, Music and Chemistry colleges/schools for just playing keyboards, drums, and singing my way to buy all that precious education 100% at your Universities.

    It was all a dream with no educational debt and only a lifelong appreciation and appreciative Love for the people who provided this for people like me.

    If there is a Heaven, and I get there, all of you will not be forgotten if ever you need a special word (goes for this world, as well). Thanks, forever folks.

    I think about this every single day and every night.

    Really do not understand people like Biden and paying off someone else’s massive, selfish debt with the expectation of walking on and laying in waste the tax-paying people behind them, with no regrets and an expectation for more, while never sleeping with, breaking bread (and motorcycling) with, and sharing our fervent appreciation for each other in a land called America.

  10. @an ol exJarhead December 10, 2021 at 7:30 pm

    > I have no “compassion” for lazy folk who do not wnt to get dirty or sweat in order to pay their bills!

    OK, boomer.

    Your people sold the machines the following generations (plural) could not sweat over, to China. For muh 401ks!

    Your people paid the government departments that you call Private(TM) corporations to appropriate all the arable land, and import Squatemalans to sweat over it, for muh exotic food! At such reasonable prices!

    Your people cheered their (ex)neighbors selling their government bribed rental rights to housing, to foreigners, who were willing to pay four times the inflation adjusted price, so they can charge eight times the inflation adjusted rent.

    Should we look at the before and after price and quality of “higher” “education”, after your people insisted The Holy Mother State give (as in gift) stronk wymyn titles? Titles that they were willing to “work” (well, at least, show up to class) for? To accept jobs created for stronk wymyn? With stronk wymyn titles?

    Or, can we just skip to your paying for what you and yours stole from the (sadly, un-aborted) generations that you’re still leeching from?

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