It may be time for another caliph search – IOTW Report

It may be time for another caliph search

Russia: We Might Have Killed Baghdadi.

Russia is claiming on Friday that it may have killed Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-declared “caliph,” in an airstrike.

The defense ministry said on Friday it’s investigating reports the leader was killed in a airstrike in Syria on May 28; the Russians carried out a series airstrikes against the violent extremist group, including on a meeting of high-ranking militants.

The meeting had been called because the Islamic State group’s de-facto capital of Raqqa, Syria, is increasingly besieged. The group was seeking to establish “routes for the exit of militants from Raqqa through the so-called ‘southern corridor.’” The airstrike in question was carried out near Raqqa.

“According to information, which is being checked through various channels… al-Baghdadi was also present at the meeting and was killed as a result of the strike,” the ministry said.

22 Comments on It may be time for another caliph search

  1. Lately I’m wondering what will happen when ISIS is crushed and Syria is no longer in the middle of a civil war (Bashir is dead or Bashir is in firm control or whoever is running the place is acceptable to the west and there are no vengence killings) will the western powers that took in the refugees begin to ship them back? How many of them will forcibly try to remain in the west. Remember they ALL came here only because they feared the fighting which would would be over or feared the sectarian violence would would also be mostly over. What do the western governments do? What would Turkey do, after all they have camps full of them and are using them as a stick to beat the west with. Should they herd them back to Syria?

  2. I hope it is true.

    By the way, check out this interview by a Catholic priest from Egypt who is an Islamic scholar. He says “extremists are the true Muslims”, that violence has always be part of Islam, Mohamed was a really bad guy and doubts that Islam can ever be reformed.

  3. Better investigate Trump collusion/cooperation with the Russians on this, it would be sad if they got all the credit.

    Then, naturally, if it’s true, that we helped kill this guy, immediately begin impeachment proceedings on Trump for cooperating with the Russians…

  4. I’m just confused by all of this. If being a martyr is so wonderful, why don’t they all kill themselves all at once and go party with the Head Raghead?

  5. If the bomb used by the Russians didn’t have swine blood packed inside of it, so the goat-fornicators can’t go to “heaven” and behave as decadent and hedonistic as the great allah promised them they could, then I’m terribly disappointed.

    *allah forbids behavior on earth, but let’s them perform the exact same hated behavior in heaven as much as they want. -makes sense!

  6. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The REASON the liberals are trying to make Russian poisonous to the U.S., is so that the love-affair between Trump and Putin don’t join forces and kill-off the liberals’ favorite America-haters: the radical muslims.

    Think about it. Anything they can do to stop the “Caucasian Coalition” from them cutting off barbarian hordes running across borders, and bombing the snot out of their leadership to set them back, the liberals will do.

  7. Putin should have the recovered body pieces put on display. Naked, atop a bed of spoiled pork.

    And that skull would polish up into a fine ashtray for Putin’s desk.
    Or a drinking bowl for Putin’s dogs.

    Let RT circulate that among the jihadis. Ought to affect morale.

  8. They get no figs if killed by a woman. Our side should have a competition of female snipers with a tally board noting all their kills. It could be like an Olympic sport between nations with individual prizes.

  9. Can’t have a caliphate without a caliph, so kill anyone who says he is the new caliph. Either they’ll get the message, or we’ll wipe out ISIS one caliph at a time.

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