“It must be exhausting for those who believe that anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest is evil and racist. What a horrible way to live.” – IOTW Report

“It must be exhausting for those who believe that anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest is evil and racist. What a horrible way to live.”

Federalist: I was turned down for a lease on a new apartment Sunday, and it was no secret why.

I’m not a smoker, I don’t have any pets, my credit is in good shape and I have no criminal history, at least in the eyes of the law. Through the lens of progressive wokesters under our new world order however, my crime was committed in 2016 when I cast a ballot for Donald Trump.

Never mind why. The landlord wasn’t sincerely interested after asking within the first 60 seconds of our FaceTime chat who I supported four years ago, turning me away explicitly because of who I voted for in the last election while calling me a racist who posed a significant danger to the largely minority neighborhood in the process.

Other than my electoral history, she never learned anything about me, like the fact that most of my friends happen to be non-white gay people. Of course just saying that is likely to trigger accusations of racism from self-proclaimed social justice warriors since nothing, literally nothing a white person can say without bowing down to the radical demands of Black Lives Matter can exonerate the inherent racism, which is racist in and of itself.

I’m not sharing this story to claim abject victimhood. Quite the opposite actually. I genuinely felt sorry for the woman on the phone who began to lob charges of white supremacy at me based on a single vote cast along with nearly 63 million other people. read more

23 Comments on “It must be exhausting for those who believe that anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest is evil and racist. What a horrible way to live.”

  1. I know a few CNN/MSLSDNBC brain washed
    ‘watchers’.They will not let you get 1
    word out when it comes to political issues.They just start yelling and yelling over the top of
    you.First the commies attacked Trump.Jesus is
    next and so are you…

  2. Meanwhile sane people probably get those that aren’t wearing their work virtue signaling BS around their necks are really the people you want to rent and sell to etc. since we honor contracts and law and order. Thanks for letting me know you are a worthless s-bag that would be a liability to my business. And for those businesses so woke their CEO decided to send out a bizarre we support BLM letter like Saks and Etsy adios muchachos. Who do you think shops at Saks?! BLM or upper middle class white possibly Trump supporting women?! I told them that too.

  3. …It’s SUPPOSED to be exhausting.

    Etiquette was instituted by Louis XIV to keep the nobles so busy trying to follow all the stupid little rules and asinine asides required to be in the royal presence that they simply had no time or energy for ANYTHING else, like even DISCUSSING what a loon Louis was, let alone DO anything about it.

    PC is the same thing in blackface, but serves the same purpose, to confuse and exhaust people with ever-changing and poorly documented rules that they wear themselves out looking through the lint in their bellybuttons for hidden racism that they scarcely NOTICE the ACTUAL racism in every part of society that impairs their ability to get an education, a loan, a house, a job, or even justice…because it’s against WHITE people, and it’s OK.


    This has devolved to the point where Black celebrities openly call for White Genocide, and are lauded for it. White girls are racist if they don’t have a Black boyfriend or two, and White boys better find Black girls sexy, but know at the same time that they’ll be sudden Simon Legree when she chooses to reject him.

    We’re even expected to find a Black Male transvestite who recently occupied the White House to be more attractive than Melania Trump, as we are no longer permitted to have “Eurocentric” standards of beauty.

    It is, indeed, exhausting. Intentionally so.

    Because they want you so worn out that you WELCOME death when they have no further use for you…

  4. Soooooooo… MOST of Tristan Justice’s friends are non-white and “gay”………………. WTF? I have known and been friends with fags my entire life. Even a couple of non-white ones…… but, but, but MOST of my friends do NOT fall into that (those) category(ies)…
    sorry, I don’t know how to do an underscore.

  5. Anyone who does the woke inquisition on you would be an insufferable landlord.

    I would have terminated the conversation before she did.
    “ I refuse to rent from a Marxist socialist who embraces the party of Jim Crow racism and segregation and black lynchings. Goodbye”

    That would have sent Karen to the moon.

  6. It’s really none of their damn business who a person votes for. I wouldn’t live in a place where I had to tell them who I voted for President. If a Republican or conservative landlord did that to a democrap voter the left would raise holy hell.

  7. the funny part is if they rent to a bunch of Libtards, guess who is NOT paying any rent these days? So shoot yourself in the foot and hopefully the mortgage holder will foreclose on their dumb ass soon……and yes, Rent Discrimination based on political affiliation is 100% illegal.

  8. There are two solutions for the “surrounded by morons” life style. The first is complete isolation, which is very difficult to accomplish. The second is suicide. There is no third option.

  9. title is not even close!
    I have known many liberals for over 70 years who believe that all who disagree are evil and racist. Almost none of them is more tired than most conservatives.
    Not in 2020 and not in 1950!
    Some conservvatives wish it were so but it is not real. prime eg Ronny hater GWB! Doe this guy look exhausted?

  10. The new wannabe “Red Guard” is trying to form up.
    They have a pro red city area to practice on until
    they get ready to expand. Then the “former mayor”
    will have fun taking orders while kneeling.

  11. I had a couple of once-a-year customers drop me after Trump’s election.

    Perfectly OK. Self-weeding from my client list. Easier than charging them 2x after finding out they’re anti-Trump and losing them that way.

    Money is not my God. Not compromising my principles for it.

    My 99% of my base loves me because the ones that don’t are gone and not causing me any grief any more. Just the way I want it.

  12. “It must be exhausting…”

    It’s more exhausting going out into the world and slug it out to make a living and raise a family.

    This generation of jackasses are completely corrupt: they’ve been bought off, and they know the scam they’re involved in.

    Karma will bite them in the ass in years to come.

  13. As has been said above:
    1 It’s none of the landlord’s/lady’s business who I voted for in any election. If asked, I will ask in reply, “why do you want to know?”
    2 Not renting because of who you voted for sounds like discrimination and subject to being turned over to several federal bureaucracies. Have fun with that, Karen.

  14. Ha! I wear it like a badge of honor.
    Like Rush said, turn off the news channels for a week and you’ll be much happier. I check them every now and then to laugh at the morons kneeling in “theater,” which was hilarious.
    Just keep your wits about you and live a happy life.
    That clock is ticking.


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