It Started With an Andrew Breitbart Signature – IOTW Report

It Started With an Andrew Breitbart Signature

My name is Sean Hunt. Andrew Breitbart signed this T-shirt at the Tea Party in Searchlight Nv. After he passed away I started having all the Tea Party Rock Stars sign the shirt. My idea is to start a Non-profit Foundation then file for a license to Raffle this shirt off. after I have all the names that need to be on it. The money I am raising now is to start the Foundation and Travel expenses. I have to travel to Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, to get all the names I need.

I have over 30 signatures, and have another 30 signatures to get. Here are just some of the people who have signed the shirt:

Gov. Rick Perry, V.P. candidate Paul Ryan, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Jim Demint, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Congresswoman Michelle Bachman, Dr. Ben Carson, Congressman Col. Allen West, Michele Malkin, Mia Love, Dana Loesch, Victoria Jackson, and many more !!!

I am hoping to be in Washington for the Media Research Center’s Gala this month, to get Mark Levin and Brent Bozell’s signatures. I have commitments for signatures from Greg Gutfeld, Adam Baldwin, and several others. Thank You for your time and generosity!



14 Comments on It Started With an Andrew Breitbart Signature

  1. Honestly I would be disappointed to see either one of your names on the same hat that had politicians signatures.. You just never know where they will land on the issues next week.

    Fucking Mopeds. Get well Mr, Pinko.

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