It Takes a Sociopathic Village – IOTW Report

It Takes a Sociopathic Village

SNIP: Be sure to read the special announcement from Stilton regarding the future of the Hope n Change Blog.

Hope n Change: Barack Obama has announced that he will be making a farewell address to the citizens of Chicago next week, in part to “celebrate the way you’ve changed this country.” We can’t think of a better location, considering some of those “changes” include 762 murders in 2016, and the recent abduction and torture (with live Facebook streaming) of a mentally challenged white man by four black thugs, who used their time in the online spotlight laughing and spouting obscenities directed at Donald Trump and white people.

When white lunatic Dylann Roof murdered nine black members of a South Carolina church, Barack Obama made clear his belief that nobody acts alone (even if they think they do), and larger sociological connections – and corrections – must be made.


While that point can and should be debated (Obama himself denies his own “logic” every time a Muslim carries out an act of terror), it can’t be debated that, even worse than a lone psychopath, there is something sicker and more inherently dangerous about a group of hate-filled people who joyfully torture another human and broadcast it to their friends. That’s symptomatic of a culture of sociopathy, malignant and metastasizing.

While it’s easy and appropriate to lay some of the blame on media celebration of thugs, ho’s, and the gangster life, we believe the larger share of guilt belongs to generations of Democrat policy makers – Obama most decidedly included – who have destroyed black families, the educational system, and the nation’s inner cities in order to provide an unending source of enslaved voters who must rely on government entitlements for survival.  MORE


8 Comments on It Takes a Sociopathic Village

  1. I understand his decision, but I hate to see Mr. Jarlsberg go just because Obysmal’s tenure is over … I will miss his well-thought out writings, biting, hilarious satire & clear logic

    the fight is not over … this is only beginning!

  2. Thank you, Hope n Change for all you’ve done. I’m looking forward to Trump and his great picks to come in and work hard for us. And a boot in the GOP’s fanny’s to get them in line to do the right things for our nation! Charge!

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