It took them almost 30 seconds to answer a MAYDAY call?! – IOTW Report

31 Comments on It took them almost 30 seconds to answer a MAYDAY call?!

  1. Ever heard of the chicken cannon?
    Aircraft engineers developed a device to simulate aircraft components getting hit by large birds like geese. The cannon uses compressed air to shoot a raw roasting chicken at engines/windshields, etc., set up in test fixtures at roughly the velocity of an airplane in flight.
    My professor at engineering school told a story of the time somebody accidently loaded a frozen chicken and it completely disintegrated a jet engine, shooting turbine vanes everywhere.

  2. CAPTAIN: “Attention passengers – when we reach the ground, we’ll need everyone to evacuate quickly.”

    ME: “TOO late – I’ve already run the checklist for THAT procedure!!!” 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  3. Missing from the story? They pilots landed an enormous aircraft packed with passengers safely.

    American pilots? +10.
    American aircraft? +10.

    *Biden hasn’t had time to fuck that up yet.

  4. “The turbine was still spinning and looked mostly intact.”
    No. The Turbine is most likely made from Inconel. And if you’ve ever tried to machine it you quickly realize the devil came up with Inconel. I use to fly a lot. No more.

  5. I would think there is a way to shut the fuel off to an engine. People say a plane can fly on one engine, and they obviously can for a period of time. However, those wings are the fuel tanks, if they can’t shut the fuel off to a flaming engine they can’t be half way to Hawaii and think they can get to safety with a flaming engine burning into the fuel tank.

  6. If you listen to the tape, the pilot initially reported engine failure in an almost conversational tone, which is easy for ATC to miss. “Mayday” was not actually called until 15 seconds into the recording. ATC then responded within 10 seconds with a request to repeat transmission.

    Hardly a 30 second delay.


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