It wants to be friends, now – IOTW Report

It wants to be friends, now

Alyssa’s Disingenuous Olive Branch.

Patriot Retort: Alyssa Milano, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape and claimed the MAGA hat is the new white hood, took to Twitter yesterday ostensibly to extend an olive branch to the Trump supporters she spent the last four years attacking.

And color me skeptical.

Alyssa Milano@

I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters. I am ready to move #ForwardTogether. There’s so much work to do to heal the nation. Let’s be a part of the solution and not add to the problems we face. My comments are open. Please reply with #ForwardTogether.

“Sure, I’ve spent the last four years calling you Trump supporters racists, Nazis and Klansmen. But now I’m ready to move on.”

Hahahaha! Get bent, bitch.

34 Comments on It wants to be friends, now

  1. “Let’s be a part of the solution and not add to the problems we face.”

    Actually should say “Let’s be a part of the solution and not add to the problems we’ve faked.”

    No way scrunt.

  2. She’s inviting you to join in on her and her side, even if it means you will be riding in the back of the bus and have no influence on where it is going.

    Probably to be followed by an “or else” declaration if you don’t jump on.

  3. “There’s so much work to do to heal the nation…”

    Then you can start by stitching up your cunt, mouth and anus. Then the rest of the country can watch you wither away so that you can be later composted and used for rat bait.

  4. How amusing.
    Alyssa is clueless that words have meaning and that those of us with brains do have memories.

    It the shit hits the fan, do you suppose her therapist will be available for her??

  5. “Petrus NOVEMBER 26, 2020 AT 11:49 AM
    This will not age well when Trump gets back in office this January. Then I will offer to push an olive tree on top of her.”

    I’m a stickler for proper spelling. You meant to say, “I will offer to PLANT an olive tree on top of her.”

  6. My Petey B and I want to work together with all you hater potaters now BUTT instead of offering up an olive branch, I’m offering up my unbleached elastic starfish!

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