It was a Haters Ball – IOTW Report

11 Comments on It was a Haters Ball

  1. PHenry — The best part about Hell is that there are no special places in it. Everyone gets the same. That, more than anything, is what will make Hell especially hellish for pols. They hate it when they aren’t recognized as more deserving.

  2. “He should quit Congress now and go to TikTok.”

    His tits aren’t big enough.

    The problem with ignorant people is they don’t know they’re ignorant. A by product of being ignorant.

  3. @Brad – “…The problem with ignorant people is they don’t know they’re ignorant. A by product of being ignorant…”

    Ahhh, but you’ll never meet a more blissful group – at least when they are in their own group bubble – because you know what they say about ignorance.


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