It was a windy day in Ft. Pierce, Florida – IOTW Report

It was a windy day in Ft. Pierce, Florida

CFP: How did that cocaine get in her purse? Well, she offered police a perfectly reasonable explanation

I’ve seen people say the alcohol on their breath was the result of someone throwing it at them. I’ve seen people claim drugs crawled all by themselves into their backpacks.

This one, however, takes things to a whole new level.

On March 21, police in Fort Pierce, Florida made a traffic stop on 26-year-old Kennecia Posey, and smelled marijuana. For those of you about to scream about the Fourth Amendment, smelling marijuana is recognized under the law as probable cause to do a search, and police proceeded to search Posey’s car. When they did, they found cocaine in her purse.

Pretty clear cut, right? If there’s cocaine in your purse, you’re in possession. Open and shut.

Ha . . . not so fast, sillies. No drugs that are found in a search ever belong to the suspect, no matter how implausible it would be to consider any other possibility. The cocaine isn’t hers!

OK, fine, then how did the cocaine get in your purse, ma’am?

Well, you see, wha’ ha-happened was . . .

14 Comments on It was a windy day in Ft. Pierce, Florida

  1. That’s why they call cocaine “Blow”.

    In Florida you just hold open your purse and wait for the wind to fill a baggy. At times you have to be patient, but it happens. Honest.

  2. My favorite exchange from “COPS”:

    (cop): You’re under arrest for possession of cocaine.

    (dindu): That’s not my cocaine.

    (cop): It was in your pants!

    (dindu) THESE AREN’T MY PANTS!

  3. We live in a pretty bizarre world.
    Pelosi’s in Congress.
    Ryan is Speaker.
    McConnell is Majority Leader.
    Obola was president.
    HR Clinton isn’t in jail.
    de Blasio is Mayor.
    Some of the richer people in the country are whores, chumps, thugs, dope-heads, talking-heads, liars, and thieves.
    Teachers are on strike and people pretend that it matters.

    So – yeah, I can believe that – the wind done it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She had been better off with the “Hillary defense”: I didn’t intentionally break the law. Or even better: Hey, what a little blow? Which is worse- a little blow or leaking hundreds of top secret emails? So, at this point, what difference does it make? Am I right?


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