Mauro Morandi, the Italian man famously known as “Robinson Crusoe” for his solitary life on a secluded Mediterranean island, has died at the age of 85. Morandi spent over 30 years living off the grid on the island, mastering the art of self-sufficiency, before returning to civilisation just three years ago, according to CNN.
He got the nickname ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by the media after being identified as the sole resident of Budelli Island, an old World War II shelter off the Italian island of Sardinia. He prided himself on his solitary life. Morandi stayed on the island as its primary caretaker shortly after he shipwrecked his catamaran while attempting to sail to Polynesia in 1989 on a mission, he said, to escape consumerism and society as a whole. more here
That’s not a surprise at all. He developed no virus immunity. Just the same as the idiots that wear masks all the time.