Italy gives Europe’s elites the boot – IOTW Report

Italy gives Europe’s elites the boot

AT: The great wave continues.  First Brexit in the U.K.  Then Donald Trump in the U.S.  And now Italy.  Not every country on Europe has managed to elect an outsider in direct contravention to its country’s out-of-touch elites, although they all have factions for it.  But Italy, with the world’s eighth largest economy, has, joining the U.S. and Britain to signal that the larger economies are moving this way, rebuking their elites and reclaiming their sovereignty.  According to The Guardian:

A majority of Italian voters have supported Eurosceptic candidates in the national election, preliminary results showed, after decades in which Italy has steadfastly championed the European project.

Early results released by the interior ministry on Monday morning, as ballots continued to be counted, pointed to a hung parliament, though there was still a possibility that the centre-right coalition, with about 37% of the vote, could secure a majority once parliamentary seats are allocated.

Either result would represent a repudiation of Brussels by Italian voters, less than two years after the UK narrowly voted to leave the European Union.

Obviously, Italians are tired of not recognizing their county anymore.  more here

8 Comments on Italy gives Europe’s elites the boot

  1. I believe that the Italians are fed up with the invasion of their country by Third World Shitholers and Islamic Savages. It will be enjoyable watching Merkel trying to give sanctuary to these people when the Italians start removing them by force. This will only exacerbate the situation in France and Germany, where the citizens are finally awakening to the real threat that these aliens pose to their own countries.

  2. Hard to figure Italy.
    Did they ever get over their trash strike?
    Sometimes I think Italian Unification was a mistake – but then sometimes I think the US should have allowed the Confederacy its own existence and not been so murderously obsessed by centralization.

    izlamo delenda est …

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