Italy: Muslim migrants rape boy at railway station – IOTW Report

Italy: Muslim migrants rape boy at railway station

JIHAD WATCH: Is Italy diverse enough yet?

In Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world, this kind of behavior is broadly tolerated. Women are so devalued, men look to other men and boys for sexual pleasure. Also, the Qur’an promises not just virgins to the blessed, but boys like “scattered pearls”:

“Those are the ones brought near in the Gardens of Pleasure, a company of the former peoples and a few of the later peoples, on thrones woven, reclining on them, facing each other. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers and a cup from a flowing spring.” — Qur’an 56:11-18

“And they will be given to drink a cup whose mixture is of ginger, a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them scattered pearls. And when you look there, you will see pleasure and great dominion.” — Qur’an 76:17-20

“Pakistani Migrants Arrested For Rape of Young Italian Boy At Railway Station,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, February 24, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Two Pakistani migrants were arrested in the Italian city of Brindisi this week after being accused of raping a boy who was waiting for a train at the city’s railway station.

The two men, identified as 29-year-old Rab Nawaz and 28-year-old Ali Imram, have been accused of making sexual advances toward a young man at the train station and forcing him into an alley where they are said to have raped him, Italian newspaper Il Messaggero reportsMORE HERE

15 Comments on Italy: Muslim migrants rape boy at railway station

  1. Where is the Second World?
    We live in the First World with problems suited to our First World natures.
    These goat molesters turned boy molesters should not be allowed to pass out of their third World Shitholes and into our First World thus turning the entire world into a shithole.
    There are countries that we should ban denizens from EVER coming here.
    If the want relief their third world shithole, they should try to get into this nebulous Second World. After a generation or two, if they learn manners, their descendants may visit only.

  2. I’m a little surprised the Italians aren’t searching every village looking for those subhumans. Or maybe they took care of them already and it isn’t being told. The Mediterranean is pretty deep and dangerous…

  3. Cockroaches’ religion must be better than the religion of peace. What the heck is wrong with people who tolerate this barbarism? Not only tolerate it, but accommodate it. Rabbits have more religion than the invading barbaric hoarde.

  4. As Bush has said; “An act of love.”! After all as he said Nov ’01 “… Religion of Peace.”.

    Or to up date’ “just another peaceful act of love”.

    Seems you white supremacists jus do not understand stand peaceful acts very well!

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