Italy: New mandate requires face masks at all times when outside, Rome isn’t happy – IOTW Report

Italy: New mandate requires face masks at all times when outside, Rome isn’t happy

Just The News- Protesters gathered in Rome on Saturday to show their anger over the country’s mask mandates among other continuous COVID-19 rules as infections across Italy and Europe are on the rise. 

Demonstrators expressed their frustration over harsh virus mandates that have not stopped since the beginning of the pandemic, including a new order that calls for all Italians to wear face masks while outside or else they could face a fine up to 1,000 euros ($1,200). 

“From now on, masks and protective gear have to be brought with us when we leave our house and worn. We have to wear them all the time unless we are in a situation of continuous isolation,” Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said. more

14 Comments on Italy: New mandate requires face masks at all times when outside, Rome isn’t happy

  1. Italy changes governments like I change my socks. Why not continue the trend?

    When this crap is still going on a year from now there will be a revolution. It just won’t go the way the architects of the scamdemic had in mind.

  2. Watched the French Open today and at least they allowed about 500 spectators. Everyone was wearing a mask except the finalists. It looks so GD stupid I swear my head is going to explode.

    After the match is the trophy presentation and Nadal comes out wearing a mask. I couldn’t take it.

  3. This Is just another revenue scheme without calling it a tax. Masks have no affect on the disease at all, They are just a decorator item to shoe you are doing your past to support this farce. Government always knows what is best, even when they have no idea.

  4. @RadioMattM

    Are you saying you only change your socks every 5 months?

    It’s funny. When I lived there and the first morning I heard that the government had fallen I was very concerned.
    But the vendors were vending, the wine makers were making wine, the fishermen were fishing.

    That’s when I realized that government doesn’t much matter in every day life. That was about 1980.

  5. We have a local mask mandate. Most people aren’t following it.
    Last week Newsom increased the suggestion for dining to replacing your mask after each bite. Of the restaurants I saw on Saturday (and the one I dined in) I saw zero masks on patrons, just on the staff.
    I think that at this point most people are just waiting for November 3, then will stop following any draconian measures.

  6. Maine has had 2 elderly people pass away with covid in the last two weeks. What does Empress Mills do? Dictates an expansion of her mask order from coastal counties to the entire state.
    These wannabe dictators are utter failures.

  7. Attended my county’s twice postponed annual Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner on Friday. Well attended. One guy sat in the corner wearing a mask. Maybe he had an issue.

  8. PHenry: Sure!

    I understand your comment about governments. It’s not as though everything came to a screeching halt. I remember my mother yelling me in the late ‘60’s that Italy had gone through something like 35 governments since the end of WWII. Not that I knew the word at the time, but it seemed like the country must be in total anarchy. I think what it boils down to is when governments are supposed to control everything, people just ignore it unless the government is a dictatorship. The only time people get into trouble is if someone important has it out for them.

  9. The intention of the covid lock downs and masks and such, a worldwide one, it to make the world’s people so miserable that they will gladly accept the mark of the beast when it arrives in the form of a vaccine that will free them from the oppressive restrictions as soon as they take it.

    Wait and see.

  10. I am literally surprised that the United States of America has kissed so much ass, obliged so many dumb phucks and catered to so many phucking liberals that even TODAY those that ‘supposedly’ love their ‘Freedom’, inadvertently support the Commie dictating, lying, conniving, democrats that have proven themselves…over and over again to be the VERY WORSE thing that can happen to this country.

    ‘Wake Up’ is not working…..Way too many Americans are under-educated and over indoctrinated and worse of all


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