Italy: Populists Crush Center-Left Social Democrats in Sicily Elections – IOTW Report

Italy: Populists Crush Center-Left Social Democrats in Sicily Elections


Breitbart: In hugely significant regional elections Sunday, populists handed the reigning Democratic Party a stinging defeat in Sicily, presaging serious trouble for the ailing center-left in next spring’s national election.

The globalist Democratic Party of former prime minister Matteo Renzi suffered a stunning defeat, picking up a paltry 19 percent of the vote and a distant third place, while the two Euro-skeptic populist contenders split the majority vote almost evenly.

Making a remarkable comeback was the indefatigable Silvio Berlusconi at the helm of a newly constituted center-right coalition consisting of his Forza Italia party, along with the conservative Northern League and the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy).

The coalition’s candidate for governor of Sicily, Nello Musumeci, took 40 percent of the vote on the island, while Giancarlo Cancelleri of the anti-establishment Five-Star Movement took a healthy 35 percent.

 In recent years, Sicily has suffered the brunt of Europe’s migrant crisis, as Italy’s primary port-of-call for African migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libya. Many blame the ruling Democratic regime for Italy’s immigration disaster, for its failure to stand up to the European Union and control Italy’s outside borders.  MORE

5 Comments on Italy: Populists Crush Center-Left Social Democrats in Sicily Elections

  1. And speaking of elections. . . Where is our Day of Jubilee Anniversary Edition of Trump’s win?

    I’ve been in a party mood all day long! It’s been a year and I am still SO RELIEVED.

  2. Great and the Dems think the Latino VA ad helped them and plan to run more of those ads in future elections. Please do! Acting like they’ll win everything going forward because of a few expected blue state wins is right where we need them so they are emboldened to keep showing voters who they are.

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