Italy Thrown Into Political Crisis as Renzi Sinks Government – IOTW Report

Italy Thrown Into Political Crisis as Renzi Sinks Government

ROME (Reuters) – Italy’s former premier Matteo Renzi pulled his small party out of government on Wednesday, stripping the ruling coalition of its parliamentary majority and triggering political chaos even as the nation battles a resurgent COVID-19.

Renzi lambasted Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s style of leadership, saying he was trying to hoard power, but he left open the possibility of rejoining the cabinet if his demands for a policy revamp and greater accountability were acted on.

“Being responsible is about facing up to problems, not hiding them,” said Renzi, who has been accused by critics of playing politics in an effort to revive the fortunes of his tiny Italia Viva party, which is floundering in the polls.

His coalition partners said his decision would hurt the country, which is mired in the worst recession since World War Two as a result of the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 80,000 Italians — the second highest toll in Europe.

Conte made a last-ditch appeal to Renzi to stay within the four-party coalition, which took office in August 2019, saying he was convinced unity could be restored if there was goodwill from all sides. He made no immediate comment after his olive branch was rebuffed.

It was not immediately clear what he, or his remaining allies, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and leftist LEU party, would do. more

11 Comments on Italy Thrown Into Political Crisis as Renzi Sinks Government

  1. China allowed international flights to the garment industry in Italy in late 2019.
    Even though they knew covid was rampant.
    It was a kamikaze mission.
    Italy should realize that cheap labor comes with a very sinister hidden cost.
    We are about to learn it AGAIN with 4 years of *biden.

  2. “His coalition partners said his decision would hurt the country, which is mired in the worst recession since World War Two as a result of the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 80,000 Italians — the second highest toll in Europe.”

    Italy has (or at the time of the outbreak, HAD) direct flights to Wuhan and imported God only knows how many thousands of Chinese textiles workers for the fashion industry. Probably regretting those moves now…

  3. I am so grateful, I had the good fortune of traveling in the 90s, and early 2000s.
    I saw England, Ireland, Scotland,Switzerland, and Italy all before their identities were given away freely by their governments, by the influx of immigrants with no intention of simulating. I saw it and I knew it was coming.
    This was avoidable all of it!!
    And now it’s here, the only corrective action is with words, ideas and ingenuity.
    Ingenuity, is what will save us.
    Ayn Rand was right all along!!!! Most people are stupid, I mean that nicely.
    Its what and I see it happening, the creators and givers will walk away. Stop feeding the beast is what John Galt meant.
    No weapons needed, it is our labour, and ingenuity they want. Stop giving it to them! Galt showed us we can survive, we are smart enough to get by with less, but are they?


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