Italy: We Do Not Take Lessons on ‘Law’ or ‘Humanity’ from Mr. Macron – IOTW Report

Italy: We Do Not Take Lessons on ‘Law’ or ‘Humanity’ from Mr. Macron

Breitbart: Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini called out the hypocrisy of French President Emmanuel Macron Wednesday after Macron bashed “nationalism” at the United Nations.

In his address Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly, Mr. Macron denounced the “fallacious statements made by some in Europe and elsewhere that we would be stronger were we to close our borders” and insisted on “unconditional protection of those with the right to asylum.”

In a tweet Wednesday, Salvini noted that France had sealed its southern borders with Italy to prevent migrants from moving north out of Italy and had “rejected more than 50,000 migrants, mostly women and children.”

“We don’t take lessons in law or humanity from Mr. Macron,” he said. more

4 Comments on Italy: We Do Not Take Lessons on ‘Law’ or ‘Humanity’ from Mr. Macron

  1. Surrender comes easy to the French.
    Vichy France’s Macron has surrendered to the globalist open borders cabal of the EU.

    Where are the sons, daughters and grandchildren of the French resistance? Do you not hear the call for liberty?

  2. This is why France was overrun by the Nazis in less than 6 weeks… they did not have a spine then and they do not now. We saved their butts for nothing.

    The only French soldiers that were ever worth a damn joined the French Foreign Legion – and they left the country.


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